健全网络 加大力度 开创督查工作新局面

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近年来,我们在加强督查网络建设的基础上,紧紧围绕市委的中心工作,不断加大督查工作力度,进一步促进了市委决策的落实,使全市督查工作上了一个新台阶。我们的主要做法和体会是: 一、抓机遇,加推力,把建立健全督查机构落到实处。 建立纵横通达、运转灵便的督查网络,是保证督促检查工作有序、高效运行的基本条件。为此,我们把督查网络建设放到了突出的位置来抓,取得了很好的效果。 (一)下到县(市)区召开现场办公会,逐个解决问题。1995年,全省党委系统秘书长、办公厅(室)主任会议以后,我们立即召开会议,专题研究督查工作。在分析形势的基础上,我们决定下到县(市)区,以召开现场办公会的方式,具体解决县(市)区的督查机构建设问题。会后,我们由市委副秘书长、办公厅主任、副主任带队,逐个县(市)区进行现场办公,针对各县(市)区的不同情况,从实际出发,有什么问题就解决什么问题:或帮助协调设立机构,配备人员;或共同研究,帮助改善工作条件;或与县(市)区委主要负责同志个别交谈,沟通思想,对长期在督查岗位上辛勤工作、做出贡献的同志给以妥善安排。有的县(市)区委书记在现场办公会上当即表示,马上召开书记办公会,听取督查工作汇报,专题研究和部署督查工作,尽快成立督查机构。 In recent years, on the basis of strengthening the construction of the supervision network, we have focused on the central work of the municipal party committee, continuously intensified the work of supervision and inspection, further promoted the implementation of the decision-making by the municipal party committee, and brought the supervision work of the whole city to a new level. Our main practices and understandings are: First, grasping opportunities and pushing forward the efforts to establish and improve the inspection agencies. The establishment of a cross-border and accessible network of inspectors is the basic condition for ensuring that inspections are supervised in an orderly and efficient manner. To this end, we have put the construction of the supervision network in a prominent position and achieved good results. (A) to the county (city) district to hold on-site office, one by one to solve the problem. In 1995, after the meeting of the chief secretary of the provincial party committee and the director of the general office (room), we immediately convened a meeting and conducted special investigations and inspections. Based on the analysis of the situation, we decided to go down to the county (city) district to hold the on-site office meeting and solve the problem of the construction of the supervisory organ in the county (city) area. After the meeting, we led by the municipal party committee deputy secretary-general, chief of staff, deputy director, county-by-district (city) district on-site office, for each county (city) district of different situations, from the reality, what are the problems to be solved Question: Or help to coordinate the establishment of institutions with staff; or to jointly study and help to improve working conditions; or with the county (city) the main responsible comrades to talk individually, to communicate ideas, to the long-term work in the supervision of the office to contribute Comrades to be properly arranged. Some county (city) party committee secretary immediately said at the on-site office meeting immediately held a secretary office, to listen to the work of inspection reports, special investigations and deployment of supervision work, as soon as possible the establishment of supervision agencies.
目的:建立HPLC-ESI/MS分析方法测定人血浆中枸橼酸喷托维林的浓度。方法:采用Inertsil ODS-3C18(150mm×2.1mm,5μm)色谱柱,流动相为0.1mol.L-1醋酸铵溶液(甲酸调pH4.4)-甲醇
虽然《午夜人狼》已是相当老土的题材,不过电影中一拍到此等局面,必于月圆时,它浑身长毛,仰首嚎叫。  夜深人靜,怪异的声音,每令群兽躲避,宿鸟惊飞。真是山雨欲来风满楼之象。  其实,嚎叫的狼是次等的狼,或者它的目的,是次等目的。  那么张扬,不过为了求偶、通信、召集、示威……  真正厉害的狼是不叫的,当它们发现猎物,或向对手报复,或为果腹的美食发力时,就会全神贯注,两眼闪出贪婪凶狠的光芒,猛地出击,