内蒙古锡林郭勒盟,是一片古老而神奇的绿色宝地。这里资源富集,人杰地灵。辽阔肥美的天然牧场,具有发展畜牧业的优越条件;丰富的矿产资源,具有广阔的发展前景;沿边优势的草原特色旅游业的兴起,使这里蕴藏着巨大的开发潜力。 锡林郭勒草原是我国四大天然草原之一,草场面积20.2万平方公里。丰富的草牧场资源,为发展草原畜牧业提供了良好的生态环境。全盟牲畜头数达1811多万头(只),居全国地市级首位。优良畜种以乌珠穆沁羊、中国草原红牛、苏尼特双峰驼而驰名国内外。1999
Xilin Gol League in Inner Mongolia, is an ancient and magical green treasure. Here rich resources, old times. The vast and beautiful natural pasture has the favorable conditions for the development of animal husbandry. The abundant mineral resources have broad prospects for development. The rise of grassland-featured tourism along the edge makes it have great potential for development. Xilin Gol Grassland is one of the four natural grasslands in China, grassland area of 202,000 square kilometers. Rich grassland resources, for the development of animal husbandry grassland provides a good ecological environment. All League animal head number of more than 1811 million (only), ranking first in the country to municipal level. Good breeds are Ujimqin sheep, Chinese red grass prairie, Sunit Bactrian camel and famous at home and abroad. 1999