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英语谚语中,包含了不少有关“吃”的学问。读了它们就让人感到“吃”法有道,不可违背。 ① Leave off with an appetite.食不过饱, 适可而止。 ② A full belly makes a dull brain.吃得太 饱,呆头呆脑。 ③ An apple at night puts the dentist to flight.晚上吃个苹果,不需牙医上药。 ④ More die of food than famine.死于饮 食的人比死于饥荒的人更多。 ⑤ Fresh pork and new wine kill a man be- fore his time.鲜肉和新酒使人早死。 ⑥ You dig your grave with your teeth.你 用牙齿为自己挖掘坟墓。 有的包含了更深刻的道理,即“吃”的目的。 ⑦ Eat well,drink well—and do your duty well.吃好,喝好还要工作好。 English slang contains a lot of knowledge about eating. If you read them, you will feel that there is a way to “eat” the law. Do not violate it. 1 Leave off with an appetite. 2 A full belly makes a dull brain. Eat too much and stay dumb. 3 An apple at night puts the dentist to flight. Eating an apple in the evening does not require a dentist. 4 More die of food than famine. More people die of food than those who die of famine. 5 Fresh pork and new wine kill a man be-fore his time. Fresh meat and new wine make people die prematurely. 6 You dig your grave with your teeth. You use your teeth to dig your own grave. Some of them contain more profound truth, that is, the purpose of eating. 7 Eat well, drink well—and do your duty well. Eat well, drink well, and work well.
在文字洗炼、遣词精细的英语谚语中数词的运用也极为广泛。数词使极富哲理的警句或趋形象活泼,或趋通俗上口,使妇孺皆能口诵心惟。请看下面各例: The use of numerals in th
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