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就离子注入用于金属磨损这个课题进行了三个方面的实验研究。1)离子注入对金属耐磨性的提高;2)磨损时,注入的氮迁移现象;3)比较N~+注入与(N_2~++N~+)注入的效果。对三种钢(20钢、GCr15、00Cr17Ni14Mo2)注氮(100KeV_9 5×10~(17)个/cm~2)处理,进行了摩擦学性能对比试验,包括测定硬度、摩擦系数、磨损速率、磨痕形貌等。在针盘式磨损试验机上的试验,对针、盘的磨损量均进行测定,按照一种新的判据评定了注氮处理的效果。用二次离子质谱(SIMS)技术测定了注氮样品中,磨损前后的N浓度沿深度的分布。得到了注氮处理使00Cr17Ni14No2钢耐磨性提高二个数量级、20钢、GCr15钢提高一个数量级;注入的氮在磨损中向深处迁移;注N~+和注(N_2~++N~+)对硬度和磨损性能有相同的影响等结论。在大剂量下,溅射效应对浓度分布的影响;有关的磨损机理等进行了讨论。 Three aspects of experimental research on ion implantation for metal wear are carried out. 1) the increase of wear resistance of metal by ion implantation; 2) the phenomenon of nitrogen migration during wear; 3) the effect of N ~ + implantation and (N_2 ~ ++ N ~ +) implantation. Three kinds of steel (20 steel, GCr15, 00Cr17Ni14Mo2) nitrogen injection (100KeV_9 5 × 10 ~ (17) / cm ~ 2) were compared tribological properties of the test, including the determination of hardness, friction coefficient, wear rate, Trace morphology. In the test on the needle disc wear tester, the wear amount of the needle and the disc was measured, and the effect of the nitrogen injection treatment was evaluated according to a new criterion. The distribution of N concentration along the depth before and after wear was measured by SIMS technique. The nitrogen injection treatment increased the wear resistance of 00Cr17Ni14No2 steel by two orders of magnitude, while that of 20 steel and GCr15 steel increased by one order of magnitude. The infiltrated nitrogen migrated deep in the wear. The N ~ + and N_2 ~ + + N + ) Have the same effect on hardness and wear properties. The effects of sputtering effect on concentration distribution at high doses; the relevant wear mechanisms are discussed.
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