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从小到大,我听过的故事成千上万,使我最难忘的故事只有一个——《成文和成才二兄弟》,这个故事是我上小学时,我姐姐给我讲的,使我至今难忘。很久以前,有一个家产万贯的土财主,其妻几年未生一子,突然有一年,他的妻子怀胎十月,生了一对双胞胎兄弟,土财主万分高兴,因为,以前膝下无子,万贯家财无人可继承,因此,他特别找来镇上德高望重的老学者,为儿子取个好名字,希望名字能给两个儿子带来好运气。于是老先生便给他的大儿子取名成才,小儿子取名成文。 From childhood to childhood, I have heard thousands of stories and I have only one of the most unforgettable stories - the “Writing and Talented Brothers”. This story was told by my sister when I was in elementary school. memorable. A long time ago, there was a wealthy landlord whose wife had not had a son for a few years. Suddenly one year, his wife conceived in October and gave birth to a pair of twin brothers. The landlord was extremely happy because he had no children under his knee. No one inherits the wealth of the millionaire household. Therefore, he particularly sought out the old scholars who were respected in the town and gave him a good name. He hoped that the name would bring good luck to both sons. So the old gentleman named his eldest son, and the younger son was named and written.
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20世纪,人的问题不仅成为哲学研究的对象,而且被提列一切精神生产的首位。 弗洛伊德所创造的精神分析概念引起人们极大的兴趣。这一理沦旨在研究人的心理,揭示了人在其周围
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