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日前,中国质量认证中心有关专家对春兰南京汽车制造公司的质量体系、产品过程控制等进行了详细地审查,春兰汽车75 个单元167个产品顺利通过3C认证复审。据了解,凡通过3C认证的企业,原则上每年必须进行一次工厂监督检查工作。如工厂的认证监督检查不能通过,则认证车型证书将被暂停或取消,同时该车型将不得在市场上销售。此次审查工作广泛而全面,包括进货检验供方控制、生产过程控制、不合格产品控制、关键零部件确认、产品确认、内审以及现场产品的抽查等诸多方面。另外,还包括企业质量保证能力、整车产品一致性保障能力等重点督检内容。在经过严格的检查和评审工作后,认证中心的专家组一致认为,南京春兰公司 Recently, relevant experts from China Quality Certification Center conducted a detailed examination on the quality system and product process control of Chunlan Nanjing Automobile Manufacturing Company. 167 products of 75 units of Chunlan Automobile successfully passed the 3C certification review. It is understood that, where through the 3C certification of enterprises, in principle, must conduct a factory supervision and inspection work every year. If the factory’s certification supervision and inspection can not be passed, then the certificate of certification will be suspended or canceled, at the same time the model will not be on the market. The review was extensive and comprehensive, including many aspects such as purchase inspection supplier control, production process control, control of substandard products, confirmation of key components, product confirmation, internal audit and on-site product spot checks. In addition, but also include the ability to ensure corporate quality, vehicle product consistency and other key aspects of supervisory inspection capabilities. After a rigorous examination and assessment work, the certification center’s panel agreed that Nanjing Chunlan
【目的】本研究旨在探讨不同温度下菜豆象Acanthoscelides obtectus(Say)种群生长发育和繁殖的状况。【方法】在20,23,26,29和32℃下,测定了菜豆象各虫态的发育历期,用线性回
电视连续剧《希望的田野》在中央电视台一套黄金时段播出之后,以其独特魅力赢得了观众的热切注目。 这是一部直击“三农”问题的电视剧,民以食为天,与农村、农民最息息相关
病例 :患儿 ,男 ,2岁半 ,家长发现右眼球高度突出并逐渐加重 17天 ,在外院做B超提示为“右眼眶内多个不规则形无回声区” ,初步诊断为“右眼眶淋巴管瘤”。给予局部点抗生素、
Cholangiocarcinoma is a rare malignancy of the biliary tract. Key factors in determining therapeutic options include knowledge of tumor extent, anatomy and obta