Localized temporal variation of Earth's inner-core boundary from high-quality waveform doublets

来源 :Earthquake Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dong33261
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The topography of the inner core is crucial to understand its growth process and interaction with the geodynamo. With the accuracy of teleseismic waveform doublets in determining the travel-time shifts between PKPcd and PKPdf inner-core phases, we examined the temporal change of the inner-core boundary sampled by new earthquake doublets that occurred in the Western Pacific and those previously found from the South Sandwich Islands. The receiver stations are those within the distance range of 128°–142° from the hypocenters of the waveform doublets. Our results suggest that temporal changes in PKPcd-PKPdf differential times are very subtle except some isolated regions under central America and Africa. The observations may indicate localized topography of the inner core and/or the inner-core boundary as transient slurry in isolated regions. The topography of the inner core is crucial to understand its growth process and interaction with the geodynamo. With the accuracy of teleseismic waveform doublets in determining the travel-time shifts between PKPcd and PKPdf inner-core phases, we examined the temporal change of the inner -core boundary sampled by new earthquake doublets that occurred in the Western Pacific and those previously found from the South Sandwich Islands. The receiver stations are those within the distance range of 128 ° -142 ° from the hypocenters of the waveform doublets. that temporal changes in PKPcd-PKPdf differential times are very subtle except some isolated regions under central America and Africa. The observations may indicate localized topography of the inner core and / or the inner-core boundary as transient slurry in isolated regions.
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