云南省明令:村干部贪污受贿 由检察机关查办

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在日前结束的云南省检察机关第六次渎职侵权检察工作会上,李春林检察长提出,为维护社会政治的稳定和经济生活的正常秩序,保障西部大开发战略的实施,各级检察机关必须加大查处村干部渎职侵权、贪赃枉法等犯罪的力度,这是反腐败斗争的一项重要内容。他明确要求,凡是村干部在受委托行使国家公务员职责时有贪污受贿等经济犯罪行为.检察机关要依法追究,该抓的要抓,该法办的要法办,切实保护广大农民群众的合法权益。据了解,一些农村基层组织中的村委会主任、村长、村支书贪污受贿挪用等经济犯罪情况较严重,农民群众反映强烈。有的贪污国家的救灾款;有的私吞上级政府的扶贫资金;有的挪用侵占社会团体、个人捐赠的钱物;有的为损害农民群众利益而索贿受贿;有的甚至拿政府拨的济贫解困的“专款”去吃喝嫖赌。昆明市 At the sixth procuratorial work conference on the malfeasance and indignation of procuratorial organs recently concluded in Yunnan Province, Procurator-General Li Chunlin proposed that in order to safeguard the social and political stability and the normal order of economic life and to ensure the implementation of the strategy for the extensive development of the western region, procuratorial organs at all levels must add To investigate and punish village cadres for their dereliction of duty and infringement of their laws and crimes such as criminal acts is an important part of the anti-corruption struggle. He explicitly demanded that all village cadres engage in economic crimes such as corruption and taking bribes while being entrusted with the exercise of the duties of state civil servants, prosecutors should investigate and prosecute the case, and the law should do the work to protect the lawful rights and interests of the broad masses of peasants and masses. It is understood that some rural grassroots organizations in the village committee director, village chief, party secretary embezzlement and corruption and other economic crimes more serious, farmer masses reflected strongly. Some embezzlement relief funds of the state; some misappropriation of poverty alleviation funds by higher-level governments; some embezzlement and misappropriation of money donated by social groups and individuals; some have taken bribes for the sake of undermining the interests of peasants; some have even resorted to poverty relief by the government “Special ” to eat and drink prostitutes. Kunming
摘要:建筑工程管理应该是工程的全过程管理,包括工程的勘察、设计、施工准备、现场施工管理以及竣工验收等方面。加强工程全过程的管理,保证工程安全、工程质量至关重要。本关就工程的全过程管理阐述一下自己的观点。  键词:建筑工程管理;全过程管理  随着经济的发展和社会的进步,建筑行业得到了长足的发展,建筑工程项目管理也取得了一定成绩,施工安全、工程质量都得到了良好的控制。本文就工程的施工管理进行总结、分析
【摘要】新能源利用技术已经取得了长足的发展,并在世界各地形成了一定的规模。生物质能、太阳能、风能以及水力发电、地热能等的利用技术已经得到了应用。本文主要从哈达山水利枢纽工程建设角度出发,谈一下水电和风电资源综合开发的问题。  【关键词】哈达山 水电 风电 开发     坚持人与自然和谐发展的水电建设项目,同步进行生态环境建设,不仅会使松花江流域的生态环境得到改善,而且还会给吉林省西部地区带来巨大的