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“在其位、谋其政、尽其责”是袁传军的口头禅。他担任阜新预备役师炮兵团政委、党委第一书记5年来,留下了一位务实领导者的坚实足迹。 抓好党委班子和干部队伍建设是他谋其政的着眼点。他自1993年担任团政委以来,努力学习后备力量建设相关的知识,对预备役部队建设情况了如指掌。1995年3月预备役炮兵团党委班子调整后,他结合团队建设情况及搞好内部团结和外部关系的经验体会,与新班子成员探讨加强团党委建设的设想和规划,形成了《自觉接受地方党委领导》、《贯彻民主集中制原则》、《加强党委班子廉政建设》和《团结公约》等6个决定,为新一届党委班子建设打下坚实基础。针对市场经济条件下预任干部在管理工作上出现的新情况,他先后5次与团党委成员共同研究管理对策,建立了《预任干部办公、述职制度》、《预任干部军地共 Yuan Chuanjun’s mantra “in its place, seeking its cause and doing its part”. He served as political commissar of the Artillery Corps of Fuxin Reserve Reservier and the first secretary of the party committee in the past 5 years, leaving behind a solid leader of a pragmatic leader. To do a good job in building the ranks of party committees and cadres is the point of his administration. Since 1993, as the commissar of the CYPC, he has worked hard to learn the knowledge about the construction of reserve forces and knows well about the construction of reserve forces. In March 1995, after he adjusted the team composition of the battalion artillery regiment party committee, he combined with the team building situation and experience in internal solidarity and external relations to discuss with the members of the new team the idea and plan of strengthening the building of the party committees and formed the policy of “accepting the local party committees Leadership, ”“ implementing the principle of democratic centralism, ”“ strengthening the party committee and team building an honest and clean government, ”and the“ Solidarity Pact. ”These six decisions laid a solid foundation for the new party committee building. In light of the new situation in the management work of pre-service cadres under the market economy conditions, he studied management measures jointly with the party members of the Communist Youth League five times in succession and set up the “pre-appointment and post-office system and post-employment system,” "
晋城市城区晓庄村是山西省闻名的小康村。10个外地包工队和1100多名流动人口给晓庄村经济发展注入了活力,但也给治安带来了许多不利因素。1993年上半 Jincheng City Xiaozh
老兵冒雨认家门 1996年8月28日,下了一夜的大雨还没停,可上任不久的河南省平顶山市湛河区区长冯长宇却冒雨来到区人武部。 “我是一个老兵,今天来主要是认家门的。”一句话
葫芦岛曾是辽沈战役塔山阻击战的主战场,今日党管武装优良传统不断发扬光大。且看—— Huludao was the main battlefield of the Tashan blockade in the Liao-Shen Campai
目的 分析X线上消化道钡剂造影、CT影像学检查对中晚期食管癌分期的意义.方法对X线上消化道钡剂造影、CT检查并经手术病理证实的132例中晚期食管癌分期,分析病变的周围脏器侵犯及淋巴结转移情况,并与手术及病理对照.结果CT能精确显示食管壁的厚度及与周围邻近脏器的关系,与手术对照符合率达88%,对局部淋巴结检出率与病理对照低于50%.结论术前X线放射检查,特别是CT检查,对疗前分期、评估手术切除可能性