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哲学:走向真实的现实,走向生活的本质张一兵编者按:改革开放的深入.市场经济的发展,使我国现代化建设事业进入了一个新的阶段。在这历史转折时期.哲学士口何走出困境.获得繁荣和发展的问题.又重新提了出来。广大哲学工作者对此进行了认真的探索,发表了不少有价值的见解。其中,关于哲学理论士。何联系实际.士。何为现实服务,是大家议论的热卢、。仁者见仁、智者见智,意见纷多云。这里发表的张一兵同志一文,提出了他对这个问题的看法,不失为一家之言。我们感到,要使这个问题得到正确的答案.很有必要从更深的理论层次上进一步探讨。比如:马克思主义哲学的本质是什么?对哲学的现状应如何评价?哲学如何才能跟上时代的步伐?怎样恰当地评估它在社会实践中的作用?怎样正确地发挥它的独特功能?等等问题都值得展开讨论。本刊愿为此提供一定的版面,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。在火热的经济大潮中,哲学在走向冷寂。不见得是一件坏事。在一种民族文化中,哲学若成为一种民众朗朗上口,却又根本不能理解的东西,那怕再热,也未必是件好事。处于今天十分务实的社会中,由于哲学不能直接转化为物质利益,使得不少“搞”哲学的人转了向。少了一些靠哲学谋生的,剩下几个为哲学献身的,实际上是大好事。 Philosophy: Towards Realistic Reality, Toward the Essence of Life Zhang Yibing Editor’s Note: In-depth Reform and Opening up. The development of market economy has brought our country’s modernization drive to a new stage. In this historical turning point. PhD bachelor out of the dilemma. Gain prosperity and development. Again raised again. The majority of philosophers have earnestly explored this issue and have published many valuable opinions. Among them, on philosophy theory. How to contact the actual. Disabilities What is the reality of service? Benevolent see the benevolent, the wise see the wisdom, opinions cloudy. The article published by Comrade Zhang Yibing put forward his views on this issue, after all, one of the words. We feel that we need to get the right answer to this question. It is necessary to further explore the deeper theoretical level. For example: What is the essence of Marxist philosophy? How to evaluate the status quo of philosophy? How can philosophy keep pace with the times? How to properly assess its role in social practice? How to play its unique function correctly? And so on are worth discussing. The print is willing to provide a certain layout, we welcome enthusiastic submission. In the hot economic tide, philosophy is on the verge of becoming cold. Not necessarily a bad thing. In a nation’s culture, philosophy may not be a good thing if it becomes something that people catchy but can not understand at all. In today’s very pragmatic society, because philosophy can not be directly transformed into material interests, many people who “engage in” philosophy turn to it. Less a few rely on philosophy to make a living, the remaining few dedicated to philosophy, is actually a good thing.
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