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  When Felicity Aston started smelling fish and chips, she knew something was wrong. She must be hallucinating. After all, there are no pubs in the middle of Antarctica. The British explorer was skiing solo across the great frozen continent and had not seen another human being for weeks. “It drove me insane,” said Aston. “It was like I was skiing along a huge row of fish and chips shops, the whole day.” But, she says, she kept wiggling her fingers and toes to check for hypothermia, gritted her teeth and kept going, eventually crossing Antarctica in 59 days—becoming the first woman in the world to make it solo. Despite being a seasoned explorer—Aston previously led a team to the South Pole; raced across Arctic Canada and traversed the inland ice of Greenland —this was her first solo expedition. She says she has never felt so alone.
  Being alone in Antarctic means being on a high alert all the time. There is a danger at every step: crevasse fields, whiteouts, sharp-edged grooves and ridges; temperatures below 40℃ and hurricane-speed winds. Among the many physical impacts this environment has on the body—exhaustion, malnutrition, frostbite, cramps, sunburn—one of the most serious is hypothermia. Among polar explorers, hypothermia is known as “the silent killer” because its first symptom is a progressive inability to think clearly, recognize the problem and do something about it. “The first warning signal of hypothermia is abnormal behavior—being very quiet, confused, incoherent,” Aston explained. These are things that other members of an expedition pick up on, but, in a team of one, there’s no one else to raise the red flag. “If you’re alone, you have to make sure that if something goes wrong you can get out of it,” she said. “I had to always make sure that I would be able to put up a tent and look after myself at the end of each day.” That’s why Aston constantly wiggled her fingers, to make sure they weren’t becoming numb, as the inability to use her hands would have been fatal.
  孤身一人穿越南极意味着时刻需要保持高度的警觉。每前进一步都有危险:可能会遇见冰川裂缝、暂时失明、悬崖峭壁;零下四十摄氏度的气温,风速似飓风的大风。这样的环境带给人体众多影响:疲惫不堪、营养不良、冻伤、痉挛以及皮肤灼伤等,其中最严重的是体温过低症。极地探险家们将体温过低称为“无声杀手”,因为它最初的症状是人思维不清,无法意识正面临的危险并采取相应措施。“体温过低最先的症状是行为异常——人变得非常安静,脑袋迷糊,语无伦次。”阿斯顿解释。如果身在探险队中,这些症状队员互相是会留心的,但当孤身一人时,便没有人会帮你留意。“假如你孤身一人,就得保证出了问题你有办法解决,”她说,“我总是保证自己在每一天结束的时候能搭起帐篷来让自己好好休息。”这也是为什么阿斯顿总是扭动手指,确保手指没有被冻僵,假如她的手出了问题,结果将是致命的。   Despite the endless physical dangers, Aston says the real challenge is winning the mental battle with solitude. “It became the biggest struggle of the whole trip,” she said. “Every single morning, the first thing that struck me was, ‘Oh my goodness, I can’t do this, I don’t want to be here, I’ve made a terrible mistake.’”
  After 40 days, Aston says she started noticing changes. “I realized I would go a whole day and really not think about anything at all. My head was completely empty,” she said. Hallucinations and strange sensations came next. “The sun became really important to me,” she added. During the polar summer, the sun circles in the sky, never going down. It became Aston’s constant companion and she began greeting it in the morning. “This developed into me having full-blown conversations with the sun in my mind,” she added.
  While bodily functions don’t make the difference, it’s the attitude that sets men and women apart. Aston says that even the most experienced women tend to suffer from a lack of self confidence and sense of vulnerability. “When I take groups of women out into the cold environment, they are a lot more unsure, their default position is ‘I can’t do this’,” she said. Her job then becomes to convince them about the opposite. With men, it’s different. “Usually they’ll fling themselves at it and their default position is ‘I already know how to do this, I know exactly how to do this’, and it’s a matter of bringing them in and telling them that they need to think more and watch out for certain things.”
  After days of skiing alone, in extreme cold, these differences between men and women disappear. Apart from one, which Aston has yet to find a solution to: going to the toilet. “It’s the only time in my life I’ve ever wanted to be a man,” Aston said.
关于毛姆,有许多真真假假的传说,有些是他自己在有生之年制造的,比如,19世纪末年轻女子求偶的唯一条件是,对方喜欢毛姆的作品;有些是书商、剧场和好莱坞炮制的,比如,1908年,看到他的戏同时在伦敦四家剧院上演,萧伯纳身心抓狂;有些呢,是他的狂热读者投票的,1956年,BBC调查谁是我们在这个世界上最渴望见到的人,毛姆!  不过,真也好,假也好,发生在毛姆身上的事情够他再活十个世纪,尽管皇家宴会上,连
22日,阴雨,杜塞尔多夫(Dorssldorf)    今是星期天,可以睡个懒觉。事实上,这些天对于我是悠长的假期,除了中间的讨论会以及等待后面的会议,不再肩负其他责任。这是因了Bertram 的好意,去年在上海和张献一起为欧盟文化项目chin-A-moves 组织的独立表演团体会议很成功,Bertram 希望合作继续,他回国后便联合德国挪威四城市剧场邀请组合嬲和中国青年编舞去巡演,并邀我同行。 
千里光   中国作协会员,文学杂志编审,出版多部文学集    周洋夺冠后感谢父母的肺腑之言,招来了体育总局于副局长在全国“两会”政协分组会议上的批评,并上升到要加强对运动员进行德育教育的高度。接着,国家体育总局体操运动管理中心高主任马上“痛心”地附和说“德育教育出现了很大漏洞”。  “痛心”所以加引号,是因为引用了报纸的原话,估计那次政协分组会议对媒体开放,很多记者都亲眼目睹了高主任“痛心”的情状
刘利   深圳作家,出版著作多本    我是个体育盲,姑且简称“体盲”,那我就把体育道德姑且简称为“体德”。虽然体育问题我不懂,但是道德问题还懂一点。所以也就无知无畏地谈谈“体德”吧。  长久以来,道德这词儿都给弄得不道德了。比如文革时代,男人要想在婚前跟女人“发生关系”,女人可以骂男人不道德。然后八十年代,又出现了一些“道德教授”,四处演讲……俺们深圳,自开埠以来就被描绘成罪恶的欲望城市,似乎在
人是在交往中产生情感的。一个好的管理者应该学会同员工进行沟通交流,善于在细微之处打动员工的心,在生活上给员工以帮助,在工作上给员工以支持,能够让员工心存感激,满怀崇敬。一个管理者一定要给员工一种风雨同舟、关爱有加的感觉。人们的激情就是在这种温暖的环境中激发而出,然后在精神上得以升华。坚持付出,管理者就会看到一个令人向往的效果。    I do a lot of management trainin
先请看两篇“惨剧事后报道”的节选——  第一篇:“3月30日当天,搭乘地铁的人们仍很多,但乘客们大都一言不发,表情肃穆,又显得非常警觉。‘地铁上的气氛非常紧张,听不到任何笑声,人们的脸上也没有一丝笑容。’莫斯科大学生艾丽娜·塔莎托娃说。另一名学生卡特雅·凡科娃说,‘今天坐地铁时,有人的电子表嘟嘟作响,然后我想:天哪,又来了!’”(《新京报》)  第二篇:“3月24日,福建南平实验小学三年级学生在上