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用庆大霉素诱导建立大鼠肾性贫血模型并以此观察本所研制的基因组人红细胞生成素(rhEPO)对肾性贫血的治疗效应。连续16d给大鼠皮下注射庆大霉素,病理学研究证实大鼠肾脏组织学结构已发生破坏;实验室指标显示血清尿素氮、肌酐升高,红系各指标显著降低;ELISA法不能测出血清中的红细胞生成素(EPO),表明大鼠已发生功能衰竭和肾性贫血。经连续5d皮下注射rhEPO,血清EPO水平上升,网织红细胞(Rc)、红细胞计数、血红蛋白和红细胞比容等指标迅速好转,其中以Rc最为敏感,提示经EPO刺激后人鼠骨髓造血功能增强,其效应强弱与rhEPO用量相关。实验结果证实rhEPO对肾性贫血有较好的疗效。 The model of rat renal anemia induced by gentamicin was established and the therapeutic effect of genomic human erythropoietin (rhEPO) developed by our institute on renal anemia was observed. Rats were injected subcutaneously with gentamicin for 16 days. The histopathology confirmed that the renal histological structure of rats had been damaged. Laboratory tests showed that the levels of serum urea nitrogen and creatinine were significantly increased, while those of erythrocytes were significantly decreased. Serum Erythropoietin (EPO), indicating that rats have had functional failure and renal anemia. After subcutaneous injection of rhEPO for 5 days, the level of serum EPO increased rapidly. The reticulocyte (Rc), erythrocyte count, hemoglobin and hematocrit rapidly improved. Among them, Rc was the most sensitive, suggesting that the hematopoietic function of human and mouse bone marrow increased after EPO stimulation, The effect of strength and the amount of rhEPO related. Experimental results confirmed that rhEPO has a good effect on renal anemia.
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我是一名宠物训练师,工作是为繁忙的主人们照管一些个性十足的动物。  这阵子我每天面对着一头庞大而忧郁的家伙——新疆双峰驼,我专注于和他的交流,以至于竟错过了外星人大驾光临的时刻!  说起来并不科学,那些个锃亮的飞船在某个日子突然闯入太阳系,包围了地球,破坏了碍事的卫星,然后毫无规律地停泊在世界各地上空。整个过程都一语不发,像是操练阵列的士兵,严阵以待。  人类所有试图接触的举止都宣告失败:通信信号