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Objective. Endoscopic mucosal ablation is a promising technique that is used to treat dysplastic Barrett’ s oesophagus. The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy and cost- effectiveness of two promising techniques, argon plasma coagulation (APC) and photodynamic therapy (PDT), in the ablation of dysplastic Barrett’ s oesophagus. Material and methods. Twenty- six patients with dysplastic Barrett’ s oesophagus (21 M, median age 60 years, median length 4 cm, 23 low- grade dysplasia (LGD), 3 high- grade dysplasia (HGD)) were randomized to APC: 13 patients, PDT: 13 patients. APC was performed at a power setting of 65 W and argon gas flow at 1.8 1/min in 1- 6 sessions (mean 5). PDT was performed 48 h after intravenous injection of Photofrin 2 mg/kg with a 630 nm red laser light, 200 J/cm through a PDT balloon in one session. All patients received treatment with high- dose proton pump inhibitors. Cost analysis was undertaken and the results were assessed by endoscopy and biopsies at 4 months and 12 months after therapy. Results. All patients in both groups showed a reduction in the length of Barrett’ s oesophagus. The median length of Barrett’ s oesophagus eradicated at the 4- month follow- up: APC 65% , PDT 57% and at the 12- month follow- up: APC 56% , PDT 60% . Dysplasia eradication at 4 months: APC 62% , PDT 77% , p = 0.03 (95% CI 0.66- 0.96) and at 12 months APC 67% , PDT 77% . Buried columnar glands with intestinal metaplasia were seen in both groups, with one patient in the PDT arm developing adenocarcioma under the neo- squamous epithelium. Severe adverse events included APC 2/13 (15% ) stricture, 1/13 (8% ) odynophagia, chest pain and fever; PDT 2/13 (15% ) photosensitivity, 2/13 (15% ) stricture. PDT would cost an additional £ 266 for every percentage reduction in Barrett’ s length and £ 146 per percentage reduction in dysplasia compared with APC treatment. Conclusions. APC and PDT are equally effective in eradicating Barrett’ s mucosa, with PDT being the more expensive treatment. However, PDT is more effective in eradicating dysplasia and the extra benefits of PDT are generated at an extra cost. The occurrence of buried columnar glands and carcinoma warrants caution. Long- term follow- up is needed to assess cancer prevention and the durability of the neo- squamous epitheliumto justify these interventions. Objective. This study was to investigate the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of two promising techniques, argon plasma coagulation (APC) and photodynamic therapy (PDT ), in the ablation of dysplastic Barrett’s oesophagus. Material and methods. Twenty-six patients with dysplastic Barrett’s oesophagus (21 M, median age 60 years, median length 4 cm, 23 low- grade dysplasia (LGD), 3 APC was performed at a power setting of 65 W and argon gas flow at 1.8 1 / min in 1- 6 sessions (mean 5). PDT was performed 48 h after intravenous injection of Photofrin 2 mg / kg with a 630 nm red laser light, 200 J / cm through a PDT balloon in one session. All patients received treatment with high- dose proton pump inhibitors. Cost analysis was undertaken was and the results were assessed by endoscopy and biops ies at 4 months and 12 months after therapy. Results. All patients in both groups showed a reduction in the length of Barrett’s oesophagus. The median length of Barrett’s oesophagus eradicated at the 4- month follow-up: APC 65% PDT 57% and at the 12- month follow-up: APC 56%, PDT 60% Dysplasia eradication at 4 months: APC 62%, PDT 77%, p = 0.03 (95% CI 0.66-0.66) and at 12 months APC 67%, PDT 77%. Buried columnar glands with intestinal metaplasia were seen in both groups, with one patient in the PDT arm developing adenocarcinoma under the neo- squamous epithelium. Severe adverse events included APC 2/13 (15%) stricture PDT 2/13 (15%) stricture. PDT would cost an additional £ 266 for every percentage reduction in Barrett’s length (1/8) odynophagia, chest pain and fever; PDT 2/13 and £ 146 per percentage reduction in dysplasia compared with APC treatment. Conclusions. APC and PDT are equally effective in eradicating Barrett’s mucosa, with P DT bHowever, PDT is more effective in eradicating dysplasia and the extra benefits of PDT are generated at an extra cost. The occurrence of buried columnar glands and carcinoma warrants caution. Long- term follow- up is needed to assess cancer prevention and the durability of the neo- squamous epitheliumto justify these interventions.
一、 “口罩公主”的烦恼  仿佛是为了挡住冬天的严寒,夜幕早早地降临了。掩映在南湖畔水杉林中的街灯亮了,就像擎起了一盏盏橘红色的灯笼。晶莹晶莹的雪花儿又飘起来了,像轻盈、银色的蝴蝶,翩翩飞舞着,嬉笑着,逗闹着,钻进仙女山那苍翠的松树林里,栖息在山脚下一幢幢奶黄色新楼的阳台上。  苏珊望着窗外飞舞的雪花,鼻尖上却沁出了一粒粒细小的汗珠。她不时地抬起手腕,心神不定地看看那小巧的手表,又焦急不安地在客厅
楔子1975年5月5日,加州伯本克(Burbank)的洛克希德先进发展计划部(Advance Development Projects Unit)办公室,丹尼斯·奥弗霍赛(DenysOverholser)向总经理班·瑞奇(Ben Ric
河北省 2 0 0 3年急性弛缓性麻痹 (AFP)病例监测系统报告AFP病例 375例 ,
每个人对自己的童年都有着独家记忆,童年的幸福让每个人都想回到过去。  随着科技不断发展,一位世界闻名的科学家顾佳研发出了时光穿梭机。这个机器挺便宜,只要100元人民币。  妈妈知道了之后,也不知道从哪儿买来了一台回来试试。  吃完晚餐之后,我们便准备试试这“神奇宝贝”。我们一家三口人就属我最胆大,看完说明书我便迫不及待地想尝试一下。  但是看完了说明书的我有些担忧,因为只能在穿梭过去的那个世界待2
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