去年秋季,联合国教科文组织曾在津巴布韦首都哈拉雷召开国际能源大会,汇集全世界各国代表共同商讨人类面临的一个重要问题——能源资源的日趋短缺与地球人口不断增加、对能源的需求不断增长这两者之间的矛盾,从而提出一个新的课题,以可再生能源替代传统的石化能源,于是,一个崭新的概念——“阳光经济”出现了。 “阳光经济”,一个以开发替代能源和节能为核心的长期能源战略,实际上早在80年代中期,已经开始在很大程度上影响许多国家的经济发展方针和计划。世界能源机构估计,世界各国各地如以目前的速度消耗能源,已探明的煤炭资源的使用只能维持440年,而石油只能再用50年。因
Last fall, UNESCO held an international energy conference in Harare, capital of Zimbabwe, bringing together delegates from all over the world to discuss an important issue facing humankind - the growing shortage of energy resources and the ever-increasing population of the planet and the constant demand for energy Increase the contradiction between the two and put forward a new topic to replace the traditional petrochemical energy with renewable energy. Therefore, a brand-new concept - the “sunshine economy” has emerged. The “sunshine economy,” a long-term energy strategy centered on the development of alternative energy sources and energy conservation, has in fact started to affect the economic development policies and plans of many countries to a large extent as early as the mid-1980s. The World Energy Agency estimates that when all parts of the world consume energy at the current rate, proven coal resources can only be used for 440 years, while oil can only be used for another 50 years. because