Current observations in the southern Yellow Sea in summer

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dsq1980
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Current data from three moored Acoustic Doppler Profilers (ADPs) deployed in the southern Yellow Sea at sites A (1-24.17°E, 34.82°N), B (122.82°E, 35.65°N) in summer 2001 and site C (120.85°E, 34.99°N) in summer 2003 were analyzed in this paper. Features of the tidal and residual currents were studied with rotary spectral and cross-spectral methods. Main achievements were as follows: 1) Tides dominated the currents. At sites A and B, the semidiurnal tidal current was basically homogeneous in the whole depth, taking a clockwise rotation at site A, and near-rectilinear counterclockwise rotation at site B; while the diurnal tidal current was strong and clockwise near the surface, but decreased and turned counterclockwise with depth; at site C, semidiurnal tidal current dominated and diurnal current took the second, both of which were counterclockwise and vertically homogeneous. Inertial motion contributed to the clockwise component of diurnal fluctuations; 2) The 3-5d fluctuation of residual current w Current data from three moored Acoustic Doppler Profilers (ADPs) deployed in the southern Yellow Sea at sites A (1-24.17 ° E, 34.82 ° N), B (122.82 ° E, 35.65 ° N) in summer 2001 and site C ° E, 34.99 ° N) in summer 2003 were analyzed in this paper. Features of the tidal and residual currents were studied with rotary spectral and cross-spectral methods. Main achievements were as follows: 1) Tides dominated the currents. At sites A and B, the semidiurnal tidal current was basically homogeneous in the whole depth, taking a clockwise rotation at site A, and near-rectilinear counterclockwise rotation at site B; while the diurnal tidal current was strong and clockwise near the surface, but decreased turned counterclockwise with depth; at site C, semidiurnal tidal current dominated and diurnal current took the second, both of which were counterclockwise and vertically homogeneous. Inertial motion contributed to the clockwise component of diurnal fluctuations; 2) The 3-5d fluctuation of residual current w
【摘 要】养老护理是当前的紧缺专业,养老护理员的培训与人体解剖学的知识关系密切;人体解剖学是护理专业学生必修的重要专业基础课之一,本文将两者之间的联系作出归纳和总结,望能在学生学习过程中起到一定作用。  【关键词】解剖学;养老护理员;关系;应用  养老护理是当前的紧缺专业,我院护理专业根据当前社会的发展现状,结合自身专业特点及学生将来就业的实际需要,在三年制护理专业高职生中开展了中级养老护理员培
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