
来源 :河北医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dan0030
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鼻泪管阻塞并发泪囊炎是婴幼儿较常见的眼病 ,其治疗方法主要采用探通和冲洗泪道。我院采取冲洗泪道和按摩泪囊方法收治本病共 88例 98眼 ,有 81例 91眼获鼻泪管通畅 ,无效 3例 ,放弃治疗 4例。现报告如下。1 临床资料我院 1 993年 8月~ 1 997年 7月门诊就诊的婴幼儿多泪、分 Nasolacrimal duct obstruction complicated with dacryocystitis is a common eye disease in infants and young children, and its treatment is mainly used to explore and wash lacrimal passage. Our hospital to wash lacrimal passage and massage dacryocyst method to treat a total of 88 cases 98 cases, 81 cases of 91 cases of nasolacrimal duct patency, ineffective in 3 cases, to give up treatment in 4 cases. The report is as follows. 1 clinical data in our hospital from August 1993 to October 1997 outpatient visits infants and young children more tears, points
SHARP PC—1500系列袖珍机涌入我国已历经8个春秋,其数量约40万台左右,加上CE—158接口和515P绘图机,耗资约十亿元,比国内8千台大中型机和30万台微型机的总和还多,在我国计
本文论证了研究核心微处理机设计策略的必要性,提出的论据有:已有的设计策略中存在的问题国内工艺能力的分析;90年代VLSI 技术的发展预测.阐述了研制具有“种子”特征的核心
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The development mechanism and mode and the new technical characteristics of the modern cutting technology are studied and analyzed. It is presented that to spee
In this observational study performed in a large cohort of very preterm single tons, respiratory outcome was found to be strongly dependent on the cause of pre
1.增设对中装置 原IDEC-5302型打印机无打印对中装置,是靠目测估计和反复调整导轨及推进器来实现对中的,因此要找到合适的打印位置十分困难。现增设一带刻度的调试棒、水平
翼状胬肉是一种容易复发的外眼疾病 ,手术方法虽多 ,但还没有一种方法可完全避免复发。近年来 ,我们先后采用胬肉单纯切除及结膜瓣转移术治疗 2 0例2 0眼 ,随访 6~ 8个月 ,仅