坚持改革 更新观念 进一步发展海河流域水土保持事业

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海河(包括滦河)流域山区面积18.9万平方公里,占流域总面积的59.5%。全流域共分8个河系,呈扇形分布,各河系上游山区水土流失都很严重。据建国初期统计,流失面积约12万平方公里,占山区面积的63%,各河系多年平均输沙量之和为1.75亿吨,其严重程度仅次于黄河流域。新中国成立40年来,海河流域的水土保持事业,在中央以及各级党委和政府的领导下,从无到有,得到了较快的发展。截至1987年底止,全流域已初步治理水土流失面积6.0万平方公里,占水土流失总面积的50%, Haihe River (including Luanhe River) mountainous area of ​​189,000 square kilometers, accounting for 59.5% of the total basin area. The whole basin is divided into eight river systems, fan-shaped distribution, the upper reaches of the river system is very serious soil erosion. According to the statistics of the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the loss area was about 120,000 km2, accounting for 63% of the total area of ​​the mountainous area. The sum of the average annual sediment transport amounts of all the rivers was 175 million tons, the second only to the seriousness of the Yellow River valley. In the 40 years since the founding of New China, the cause of water and soil conservation in the Haihe River Basin has enjoyed rapid development from scratch under the leadership of the party Central Committee and the party committees and governments at all levels. As of the end of 1987, the basin had initially managed 60,000 square kilometers of soil erosion, accounting for 50% of the total area of ​​soil erosion,
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