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患孩,男,5岁,住院号:86193。因舌根部肿块伴经常呛咳,气促二个月,近周来呼吸困难,急诊入院。体查见舌根部有一鸽蛋大肿块,约3×3cm大小,边界欠清,质硬,无压痛,表面光滑,经穿刺未发现液体。患孩呼吸急促,三凹征存在,活动时更明显,肺呼吸音稍粗糙,但未闻及干湿性罗音,心脏听诊无异常,肝脾无肿大。右上腹部见一“ 7”形切口疤痕,未触及腹部包块。患孩于1982年在当地县医院行右上腹部包块切除术,术后病理诊断为“右肾胚胎瘤”(病理号:4343)。血常规、尿常规、肝、肾功能检查均正常,胸透心肺无异常。 Suffering from a child, male, 5 years old, hospital number: 86193. Due to the swelling of the base of the tongue with frequent coughing, shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing in recent weeks, the patient was admitted to the hospital in an emergency. Physical examination revealed that there was a large lump in the base of the tongue, about 3 × 3cm in size, the boundary was less clear, the quality was hard, there was no tenderness, the surface was smooth, and no liquid was found by puncture. Suffering from shortness of breath, the child had a three concave sign, more obvious when he was active, and had a slightly rougher lung sound but did not hear wet and dry rales. There was no abnormal heart auscultation, and there was no enlargement of the liver and spleen. A “7” incision scar was seen in the right upper abdomen without touching the abdominal mass. The affected child underwent mass resection in the upper right abdomen in the local county hospital in 1982. The pathological diagnosis was “right kidney embryonal tumor” (pathological number: 4343). Routine blood tests, routine urine tests, liver and kidney tests were all normal, and there was no abnormality in the chest and heart.
应用完全静脉营养(Total parenteralNutrition—TpN)的疗法是从20世纪40年代开始,到60年代,由于Dudrick成功地经由中心静脉注入高张糖液,Wretlind开发了副作用小的脂肪乳剂,
骨的原发性平滑肌肉瘤非常罕见,作者遇见1例,报告如下: 患者男性,26岁,住院号26218。右小腿中段肿块疼痛,进行性加剧4个月。患者自幼即发现右小腿中段前缘一肿块隆起,无任何
功能性成为今夏面料市场当之无愧的主角,功能性面料的成功研发,必将引领中上游企业产品的变革风潮,从纱线到后整理,中上游企业的功能性研发可谓不亦乐乎。 Functional becom
我们近几年来对两例Ⅲ期贲门癌病人行食管下段加近端胃大部切除后,重建消化道采用如下新方法: 手术行右侧卧位,先开腹探查,确定肿瘤可切除后,沿左六肋间开胸,经胸腹联合切口