
来源 :中国石油和化工标准与质量 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mgy1982
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在丁基橡胶生产中,胶粒水进入干燥包装生产线之前需要将浓度提升,以减少干燥单元的负荷。另外,胶粒水溶液从聚合单元出来后,在胶性上会稍有差别,这就还需要对胶粒水进行均化。也就是说,在橡胶生产出来进入干燥和包装单元之前,需先经过胶粒水浓缩和均化单元。该单元中的四台浓缩釜是其中的关键设备,三开一备运行。该设备由俄罗斯进口,主要作用是提高胶粒水浓度,其内部介质是丁基胶粒水。胶粒比重轻,所以胶粒漂浮在水溶液上面,该设备通过安装在上面的齿耙将浓胶粒刮到均化罐中进行均化,在罐壁上还安装有斜向上的搅拌器,用于搅拌顶部的胶粒,避免胶粒之前接触时间长产生坨胶现象。浓缩釜运行的平稳与否,直接影响到整个丁基橡胶的生产。在浓缩釜开始运行一段时间后,其斜搅拌器就发生泄露,水进入减速机,进而进入电机,导致电机烧毁,严重影响了设备的连续运行。 In the production of butyl rubber, it is necessary to increase the concentration of colloidal water before it enters the drying packaging line in order to reduce the load on the drying unit. In addition, the aqueous solution of colloidal particles out of the polymerization unit, there will be a slight difference in plasticity, which also requires the water on a homogeneous gel. That is, before the rubber is produced into the drying and packaging unit, it must be passed through the gelatinized water and the homogenization unit. Four units in the concentrator is one of the key equipment, three open a standby operation. The equipment imported from Russia, the main role is to increase the water concentration of colloidal particles, the internal medium is butyl rubber water. Because of the low specific gravity of the particles, the particles float on top of the aqueous solution. This device scrapes the concentrated particles into a homogenizing tank for homogenization by means of a tooth harrow mounted thereon. An inclined stirrer is also installed on the tank wall. Mixing the top of the rubber particles to avoid the contact time before the rubber particles produce Tuo phenomenon. Concentration kettle run smoothly or not, a direct impact on the entire butyl rubber production. After the concentration kettle started to run for a period of time, the inclined stirrer leaked. Water entered the reducer and then into the motor, causing the motor to burn out, seriously affecting the continuous operation of the equipment.
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在素质教育理论研究与改革实践中,人们已经达成共识:素质教育的核心是创新素质教育。在知识经济时代,创新已成为现代社会发展的基础和生命力所在。面向21世纪的基础教育者,最根本的要求是创新人才的培养。作为学校,作为一个教育工作者,努力耕耘一片发展学生创新能力沃土,是我们的责任。  一、用新观念指导我们的耕耘  “创新型”人才的培养应是学校的追求目标。教育的本质在于培养人、训练人,使其成为对社会,对集体有