冬季严寒、春季多雨、夏日酷热,一年当中最怡人的节气莫过于秋天了,秋高气爽的时分,天空蓝的像一场梦境,寺庙前、山野里,红叶更是艳红地把世界染成一幅画。静静的午后,秋风吹着红叶沙沙作响,这是属于兔子、狐狸、小松鼠们冬眠前的狂欢派对。我拾起刚买的Panasonic DMC-LX3,把自己走进秋天枫红里,红叶像是孩子的小手伸向天空,搞不好它能帮我捉住这一刻美好的记忆……
Winter cold, rainy spring, hot summer, the most pleasant year of the solar terms than the autumn, autumn time, the sky blue like a dream, temples, the mountains, the red leaves are bright red world dye Into a picture. Quiet afternoon, the autumn leaves blowing rustle, which belongs to the rabbit, fox, squirrels before hibernation rave party. I picked up the Panasonic DMC-LX3 I just bought, walked myself into the autumn maple leaves, and the red leaves looked like the child’s little hand reached the sky. If it did not work well, it could help me catch the beautiful memories of this moment ......