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目前,三七种植户急剧增加,他们中的许多人未掌握加工技术,致使加工出来的三七成品质量较差,规格不符合要求,不但经济上减少收入,而且影响三七的药效。因之,搞好三七加工,是提高三七质量、增加经济收入的一项重要措施。现将三七加工技术介绍于下。一、清洗三七挖出后,摘去茎叶须根,留下根茎(称羊肠头)和块根,然后放入盛水的木盆内漂洗,刷去粘附在各部位上的泥沙,抹去细小须根和根茎上的残叶,出水后按个头 At present, the number of growers in Panax notoginseng has risen sharply. Many of them have not mastered the processing technology, resulting in the inferior quality of processed Panax notoginseng products. The specifications do not meet the requirements, which not only reduce income economically, but also affect the efficacy of Panax notoginseng. Therefore, improving the processing of Panax notoginseng is an important measure to improve the quality of Panax notoginseng and increase its economic income. Panax processing technology now introduced in the next. First, cleaning the Panax notoginseng, pick the stems and leaves to leave roots, leaving rhizome (called sheep head) and roots, and then into the water tub rinse, brush to adhere to the various parts of the sediment, Erase the small leaves and rhizome on the residual leaves, press the head after the water
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摘要:通过对中西部地区农村中小学教师专业素质偏低的现状进行分析,笔者提出了促进农村教师专业化水平提高的建议和策略,旨在帮助农村教师有效地借助国家为其提供的丰富远程教育资源,努力提升自己的专业水平,进而促进农村教师的专业化发展。  关键词:农村远程教育;教师专业发展;对策研究  中图分类号:G434文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-8454(2008)06-0061-04    我国幅员辽阔,区域