EMC Part V Grounding(1)

来源 :变频器世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuanxuaner8
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1. IntroductionGrounding is always one the of most important EMCtopics. A well-defined ground system is the first requirementsto any electrical and electronics design. Knowing where thereturn current flows allows designers to estimate the electro-magnetic emission and crosstalk. The ground is considered asa point of voltage reference. This is generally true except whenlarge currents or high-frequency currents flow through non-zero impedance with the ground trace or sheet. These unex-pected ground voltages will result in failure or malfunction. 1. Introduction Grounding is always one of the most important EMCtopics. A well-defined ground system is the first requirement of any electrical and electronics design. Knowing where there current current allows allows designers to estimate the electro-magnetic emission and crosstalk. This is generally true except when large currents or high-frequency currents flow through non-zero impedance with the ground trace or sheet. These unex-pected ground voltages will result in failure or malfunction.
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今年7月以来,随着《辽宁沿海经济带发展规划》(以下简称《规划》)上升为国家战略及辽宁沿海经济带工作会议后,辽宁沿海各市广大党员干部群情高昂,脚踏实地,迅速掀起了新一轮开发开放的热潮。  思想认识的统一,营造了加快推进开发开放的良好氛围。《规划》上升为国家战略和辽宁省委、省政府会议后,沿海6个市的党委、政府纷纷召开常委(扩大)会、全委会和领导干部会议,认真抓好学习贯彻。各地普遍认为,《规划》上升为国
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