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一盏灯,亮到更深夜静时。听到微风摇曳树叶、珠露滑落的声音——叮、叮。珠露轻滴进,依然伏案执笔的法官之心。那倦意中依然保持的清醒,还在珠露里显微着案情。更露轻寒,窗灯微温。黙默守护着甜睡中妻儿的好梦,寄盼着那些案件当事人,也能安然入梦。法官内心,渐涌起一股潮湿,带些暖意,眼眶渐渐湿润……自然联想起,那些形形色色的案由,将形形色色的纷争、烦恼,带进法庭,掀起讼争。听审,常常是,听苦难重演,听虐 A light, when it is darker and still. Hear the breeze swaying leaves, beads of the sound of falling - bite, bite. Bead dripping into the law, the case still penned the judge’s heart. That awakening still in the sense of awake, still revealing the case in the beads. More dew cold, window light temperature.黙 silent guarding his sweet dream sleeping sweet wife, looking forward to those cases the parties, but also to safely dream. In the heart of the judge, there is a surge of moistness, warmth and moist eyes. Naturally, all kinds of cases are brought to justice and all kinds of disputes and annoyances are brought to court to set off a lawsuit. Hear the trial, often, listen to suffering repeated, listen to abuse
越来越多的科学家提醒人们,北极熊已经成为气候变暖的受害者,甚至有环保学者指出,北极熊很有可能在21世纪末消亡……  海上邂逅  挪威生物学家斯兰德从1995年起就一直研究北极熊的生存状况。2011年7月,斯兰德带领一艘考察船前往加拿大东北部的哈德逊湾。船行驶了一段时间后,有船员在大海中发现了一只北极熊带着两只幼崽正艰难地向前游着。它们全瘦得皮包骨,看样子应该很久没吃东西了。它们距离最近的陆地还有5
Sugar is always being avoided as harmful to both the fat people and persons who are on a diet.Besides, eating too many candies will cause dental disease and Su
一个人的生命应当像一条河,开始是涓涓细流,受两岸的限制而十分狭窄,尔后奔腾咆哮,翻过危岩,飞越瀑布,河面 A person’s life should be like a river. It begins with a tr
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老刘被调到县委新闻科当科长,级别虽是副科,但已经不错了。  老刘来自基层乡镇,属于被领导对象,见人都点头,谨小慎微的,没有一点官架子。这回当上科长,大家就叫他刘科长。可一听到有人喊他刘科长时,他就全身不自在,脸儿都红起来,好像他的科长是偷来的似的。  他就说:“叫我老刘好了,叫科长我不习惯。”  别人笑著说:“叫多了,就习惯了。”  老刘的黑色皮包也没换,在基层就跟了他多年,带子断了就又接上,皮皱
I call the dove in the picture Mr Brown and the cat Mrs White because of their brown and white colors.They live together happily and I call the dove in the pic