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“今天的质量就是明天的市场”这是中有色总公司一位领导在一次会议上提出来的。它把质量观念、市场观念和效益观念紧密的联系在一起,也是一个竞争学。实践也这样告诉我们:有了质量才能保证企业的市场地位,有、了市场、有了社会效益才能保证经济效益的来源。 回顾一下我们的十五治近几年来之所以北上中州,南下沿海,东进八闽,中卧三楚,从有色、冶金、化工、轻工、机械到建材、能源,行行业业赢得了那么多的市场,说到底就是我们的昨天的质量决定了今天的市场。今天的质量必然还会吸引明天的市场。 早在七十年代末和八十年代初,我们十五冶就因为干了个武钢连铸工程,干出了高质量、高水平、高效益,干出了国际声誉,才吸引了大冶钢厂四炼钢、连铸、170无缝钢管厂等一系列工程,十五冶成为冶钢建设的“专业户”。特别值得一提的是贵溪冶炼厂,建成投产后,经受了生产的考验。被评为国家优质工程,声震四面八方,给我们带来了更加可喜的社会效益。直到今天,大凡找十五冶干工程的建设单位,都首先要到贵冶去看一看,访一访,十有八九一看就中。目前我们在建的铜陵冶炼厂、大冶“诺兰达”、巴基斯坦山达克冶炼厂,以及即将开工的贵冶二期工程都是以贵冶为样板十分信服的选择了我们,人家指名要找干过贵冶工程的施工单位, “Today’s quality is tomorrow’s market.” This was proposed by a leader of China Nonferrous Corporation at a conference. It closely links quality concepts, market concepts, and efficiency concepts, and it is also a competition science. Practice also tells us this: With quality, we can guarantee the market position of enterprises, have, market, and have social benefits to ensure the source of economic benefits. Recalling the fact that our 15th rule has been going northwards and middlings in the past few years, the coastal area to the south, the gossip in the east and the Sanchu in the center. From non-ferrous metals, metallurgy, chemicals, light industry, machinery, building materials and energy, the industry has won so much. The multi-market, after all, is what our yesterday’s quality determined today’s market. Today’s quality will inevitably attract tomorrow’s market. As early as in the late 1970s and early 1980s, our 15th Metallurgical Co., Ltd. did a great job at Wuhan Iron and Steel Co. Plant No. 4 Steelmaking, Continuous Casting, No. 170 Seamless Steel Tube Plant and a series of projects. 15Yeye has become a “professional household” for the construction of smelting steel. What is particularly worth mentioning is the Guixi smelter. After its completion and production, it has stood the test of production. Being rated as a national high-quality project, sonic booms in all directions have brought us more gratifying social benefits. Until today, most of the construction units that are looking for the 15 Yeye Drying Project must first go to Guiye to have a look. After a visit, there will be a total of 1989. At present, the Tongling smelter under construction, Dayeland of Daye, Shandak Smelter of Pakistan, and the second phase of the Guiyang Metallurgical Works to be started are selected by Guiye as a model and they are convinced. Looking for a construction company that has done the Guiye project,
“怀集跻身全国文化先进县,必将进一步激发怀集人发展文化、繁荣文化的热情。”日前,得知怀集摘得全国文化先进县这块牌子,成为全省五个获得全国文化先进单位之一,该县文广新局副局长罗少山难掩兴奋与期待。  这些年尤其是近几年来,怀集县以文化强县为抓手,坚持文化惠民,加大公共文化投入,着力挖掘、弘扬和传承本土民间文化,探索出了一条山区县打造县域文化品牌、提升文化软实力的独特路径,有力促进了全县文化大发展、大
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