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中共天津市第七届委员会第七次全体会议,认真学习贯彻党的十五大和十五届五中全会精神,总结改革开放二十多年来特别是“九五”期间我市经济社会发展情况,分析今后一个时期面临的形势和任务,讨论了改革与发展的若干重大问题,对编制全市国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划,提出如下建议。一、天津进入了新的历史发展时期“九五”期间,是天津历史上经济发展最好,改革开放步子迈得最大,群众得到实惠最多的时期之一;是全市人民精神面貌发生深刻变化,整个社浍充满生机与活力的时期。五年来,我们以“三、五、八、十”为阶段性奋斗目标, At the Seventh Plenary Session of the Seventh Committee of Tianjin Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, we must conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the 15th Party Congress and the Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee, summarize the economy of our city for more than 20 years since the reform and opening up, especially during the “1995” Social development, analyze the situation and tasks facing for the coming period, discuss a number of major issues concerning reform and development, and make the following suggestions on the preparation of the 10th five-year plan for the national economy and social development in the city. 1. Tianjin entered a new period of historical development. During the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period, Tianjin was one of the most economically developed areas in history in Tianjin. Its reform and opening up took the strongest steps and the masses enjoyed the most benefits. Change, the entire community is full of vitality and vitality period. In the past five years, we have adopted the goal of “three, five, eight and ten”
Several dyads consisting of a fluoreseein covalently linked with a carhazole at site 2 or site 6 have been synthesized and characterized.Studies of absorption
“TrendsinPolymerChemistry1995”简介[编者按]ActaPolymerica自1994年起,每年发表一篇有关上一年度高分子化学论文的综述,该综述对无暇涉猎浩繁文献的读者,简捷地了解新动向颇有帮助。此文发表在1996年第4期。... “TrendsinPolymer
新风木兰即AG60,其改型车为QM60T-A。因AG60是在AG50基础上扩缸而成,除气缸容积以外,大部分件都与AG50相同。 AG60发动机采用引进铃木技术生产的单缸二冲程强制空冷发动机,