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今年,在相继举行的上海市第三届“星光计划”中职校技能大赛和全国职业院校技能大赛中,上海市中等职业学校涌现了一批能工巧匠,凸显了职业教育的优势,受到了社会、企业的关注,光明在前,希望倍增。记者采访发现,不少中职校通过职业技能比赛,将培育技能型人才作为贯彻“以就业为导向”方针的重要举措,提高学生的专业技能,培养学生的职业意识。上海的中职校正涌动着一股学技能、赛能力的热潮。 This year, in the third Shanghai “Starlight Program” vocational school skill contest and the national vocational college skill contest held in Shanghai successively, a number of skilled workers emerged in the secondary vocational schools in Shanghai, highlighting the advantages of vocational education. The social, business concerns, bright before, hoping to multiply. According to an interview with reporters, many secondary vocational schools through vocational skills competition will cultivate skilled personnel as an important measure to implement the “employment-oriented” approach to improve students ’professional skills and develop students’ professional awareness. The correction of secondary vocational schools in Shanghai surges with the boom of learning skills and competition ability.
台北市化学研究所的科研人员利用精确控制红、绿和蓝发光层厚度的方法研制了一种可发射明亮白光的有机发光二极管。在15V电压时,其发光强度为24700 cd/m2。该二极管可应用于
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“5·12”汶川大地震给灾区人民造成了严重的生命及财产损失,其影响难以估计。对于当前的房地产市场,地震的影响将集中在以下四个方面: The “Wenchuan Earthquake” caused