Diagnostic criteria of high altitude de-acclimatization syndrome among plateau migrants after their

来源 :Military Medical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shermanx
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Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the diagnostic methods of high altitude de-acclimatization syndrome and to formulate diagnostic criteria.Methods: This study was conducted using epidemiological surveys and a multi-center randomized controlled clinical trial. A total of 3,011 subjects were studied, and the following indices were collected after their return to low altitude areas from the plateau: general health status, blood, urine and stool samples, myocardial enzyme levels, liver and kidney function, nerve function, sex hormone levels, microalbuminuria, electrocardiogram(ECG), echocardiography, pulmonary function, and hemorheological markers. These data were compared to those of randomized healthy subjects in the same age range who lived at the same altitude to determine the characteristics of high altitude deacclimatization syndrome. Based on these characteristics, diagnostic criteria for high altitude de-acclimatization syndrome were formulated.Results: This study demonstrated that the incidence of high altitude de-acclimatization syndrome was 84.36%. Sixty percent of the cases were mild, 30% were medium, and 10% were severe. The incidence was higher among those who returned to a place of lower altitude, resided at a high altitude for a longer period of time, or engaged in heavy labor while at high altitude. Patients with high altitude de-acclimatization syndrome manifested hematological abnormalities and abnormal ventricular function, notably a right ventricular diastolic function, which recovered to baseline function after one to five years. Exposure to long-term hypoxia often caused obvious changes in cardiac morphology, i.e., left and right ventricular hypertrophy, particularly within the right ventricle. In addition, patients with high altitude de-acclimatization syndrome often presented with low blood pressure, low pulse pressure, and microalbuminuria. A few patients presented with occult blood in their feces. The diagnosis of high altitude deacclimatization syndrome can be made if a patient who recently returns to the plain from the plateau complains of dizziness, weakness, sleepiness, chest tightness, edema, memory loss, and other symptoms and signs that do not alleviate under short-term rehabilitation or symptomatic treatment, and if organic diseases of the heart, lung, kidney, and other organs have been excluded.Conclusion: The diagnosis of high altitude de-acclimatization syndrome should be made after a comprehensive analysis of the patient’s clinical symptoms and signs. Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the diagnostic methods of high altitude de-acclimatization syndrome and to formulate diagnostic criteria. Methods: This study was conducted using epidemiological surveys and a multi-center randomized controlled clinical trial. A total of 3,011 subjects were studied, and the following indices were collected after their return to low altitude areas from the plateau: general health status, blood, urine and stool samples, myocardial enzyme levels, liver and kidney function, nerve function, sex hormone levels, microalbuminuria, electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiography, pulmonary function, and hemorheological markers. These data were compared to those of randomized healthy subjects in the same age range who lived at the same altitude to determine the characteristics of high altitude deaccimatization syndrome. Based on these characteristics, diagnostic criteria for high altitude de-acclimatization syndrome were formulated. Results: This study demonstrated that the incidence of high altitude de-acclimatization syndrome was 84.36%. Sixty percent of the cases were mild, 30% were medium, and 10% were severe. The incidence was higher among those who returned to a place of lower altitude, reside at a high altitude for a longer period of time, or engaged in heavy labor while at high altitude. patients with high altitude de-acclimatization syndrome manifested hematological abnormalities and abnormal ventricular function, notably a right ventricular diastolic function, which recovered to baseline function after one to five years. Exposure to long-term hypoxia often caused obvious changes in cardiac morphology, ie, left and right ventricular hypertrophy, particularly within the right ventricle. In addition, patients with high altitude de- acclimatization syndrome often presented with low blood pressure, low pulse pressure, and microalbuminuria. A few patients presented with occult blood in their feces. The diagnosis of highaltitude deacclimatization syndrome can be made if a patient who recently returned to the plain from the plateau complains of dizziness, weakness, sleepiness, chest tightness, edema, memory loss, and other symptoms and signs that do not alleviate under short-term rehabilitation or symptomatic treatment, and if organic diseases of the heart, lung, kidney, and other organs have been excluded. Conflusion: The diagnosis of high altitude de-acclimatization syndrome should be made after a comprehensive analysis of the patient’s clinical symptoms and signs.
贪污腐败问题是大多数东南亚国家面临的重大挑战。作为东南亚重要国家的马来西亚,贪污腐败现象同样受到国内民众的高度关注,要求加大防范打击力度声音强烈。近年来,马来西亚政府推行了转型计划,在查处打击腐败行为的同时,增强政府工作的透明度,严密有关工作流程,减少贪污腐败发生的机会,取得了积极成效。  贪腐聚焦点  马来西亚所开展的反贪行动是东南亚国家反腐行动的缩影。其中,治理公共机构贪腐问题是公众关注的焦点
【摘要】随着我国经济的飞速发展,城镇居民人均车辆拥有率一直呈上升趋势。车辆的大幅度增加带来的影响就是交通的拥堵和交通事故的频发,交通事故后的救济措施日益备受关注。本文就交通事故侵权的责任保险制度做了简要介绍。  【关键词】交通事故;侵权;责任保险制度    一、道路交通事故侵权的概念  道路交通事故侵权是指因发生道路交通事故给他人造成财产或者人身损害的行为。《道路交通安全法》第119条第1项规定:
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