
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong591
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We report on a case of disseminated peritoneal leiomyomatosis (LPD). Disseminated peritoneal fibroids are a very rare medical condition, only up to 50 cases can be found in the international literature. Our patient, a 48-year-old caucasian woman, complained of right sided pelvic pain. Her medical history included vaginal hysterectomy for dysmenorrhea six years before. She had a BMI of 30 and had never used hormonal contraceptives. Sonography revealed multiple small tumors in the pelvis and some free fluid in the abdominal cavity. CA 125 was elevated, which led to the presumptive diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Intraoperatively, we found disseminated leiomyomas in the ovaries, greater omentum and the peritoneum which were resected. Histopathologic workup showed that the grade of proliferation of the fibroids was less than 1%. As this rare disease has a good prognosis without further treatment, no postoperative therapy was planned. We report on a case of disseminated peritoneal leiomyomatosis (LPD). Disseminated peritoneal fibroids are a very rare medical condition, only up to 50 cases can be found in the international literature. Our patient, a 48-year-old caucasian woman, complained of Her medical history included vaginal hysterectomy for dysmenorrhea six years before. She had a BMI of 30 and had never used hormonal contraceptives. Sonography revealed multiple small tumors in the pelvis and some free fluid in the abdominal cavity. CA 125 was elevated, which led to the presumptive diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Intraoperatively, we found disseminated leiomyomas in the ovaries, greater omentum and the peritoneum which were resected. Histopathologic workup showed that the grade of proliferation of the fibroids was less than 1%. As this rare disease has a good prognosis without further treatment, no postoperative therapy was planned.
根据多年从事产品设计的经验和对多项系列产品参数的分析结果,利用一元和多元回归分析方法及双对数坐标作图法,描述系列产品主参数间的相互关系。 According to years of ex
休息日,对男性来说,可能的确是用来休息,但对女性来说,反而可能更忙。美国鲍尔州立大学的一项最新研究发现:人们在周日的行为表现具有性别差异,男性周日最懒,而女性则更忙。  研究中,300名年龄在19-90岁的男性和女性接受调查,他们的身上佩戴一个行动监测设备,可以记录下参与者24小时不间断的行动,调查持续一周。结果發现,星期日是男性一周内最懒的一天,他们2/3的时间要么坐着要么躺卧着,平均比女性休息
她从事皮肤科临床工作60年,坚持了科研与医疗工作相结合。自50年代即开始从事中西医结合工作,应用中医、西医两种方法治疗皮肤病取得了较好的治疗效果,1960年开始对免疫性疾病特别在难治性硬皮病的诊断、治疗与实验研究方面取得了一定的成就,积累了大量的硬皮病资料。是当前国内外观察与治疗硬皮病最多的医生——  11月3日漫天飞雪,我如约来到北京协和医院皮肤科特需诊室,采访我国著名的硬皮病专家苑勰教授。