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信访工作是党和政府发扬民主,体察民情,接受监督,联系群众的重要渠道,是一项政治性、业务性很强的工作。每个信访干部都要认识到肩上责任的重大,立足岗位,努力当好“角色”,为群众排忧解难,当好领导参谋助手,为推进社会主义现代化建设事业履行好自己的职责。一、勤务员。信访干部要确立公仆意识,感情贴近人民群众,当好人民的勤务员。首先我们对来访群众要满腔热情接待,言谈中要关心他们的疾苦,耐心倾听他们的呼声,和群众建立起彼此间的信任。这样一种关系有助于群众过激情绪的平息,容易接受信访干部的疏导教育,听得进正确意见,有利于矛盾的化解,问题的 The petition work is an important channel for the party and government to carry forward democracy, observe their feelings, accept supervision and contact the masses. It is a political and highly operational work. Each petitioner and cadre should recognize the great responsibility on his shoulders, base himself on his post, strive to be a good “role”, solve troubles for the masses, and be a good assistant to his staff and assist him in fulfilling his duties in promoting the cause of socialist modernization. First, the servant. Petition cadres to establish public servants awareness, feelings close to the people, good people’s servants. First of all, we should treat the masses of the masses enthusiastically, pay attention to their sufferings in the speech, listen patiently to their voices and establish mutual trust with the masses. Such a relationship is conducive to the subdued mood of the masses and is easy to accept the guidance and education of petitioners and cadres. Having the correct opinions heard is conducive to the resolution of conflicts. The problems
We report on a case of cervical dislocation in which the severity of the lesio n contrasts with the paucity of the symptoms. An eight-month-old girl presente d
高度近视通常指-600D以上并有不同程度的眼底改变,由于眼球的病理改变引起并发症而影响视力。我们对100例200只眼高度近视进行验光观察,分析如下。1 资料与方法本组100例来自
Our aim was to underline possible differences in heart rate and rhythm patterns between ambulatory and hospitalized children. Holter monitoring was performed on