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目的分析2014年保山市疟疾发病情况及相关防治措施,为下一步防控工作提供参考。方法对2014年保山市疟疾疫情进行分析。结果 2014年保山市共有疟疾病例213例,发病率0.083/10万,死亡0例,比2013年上升13.30%。其中间日疟188例,占总发病数的88.26%;恶性疟24例,占11.27%,三日疟1例,占0.47%,均为输入性病例。发病最高腾冲县,最低昌宁县。发病最高的月份是5月,男性发病高于女性。职业发病最多的是农民,年龄分布30岁~组发病最多。2014年全市共开展发热病人血检34 936例,现症病人治疗211例,疫点处置184个,疫点主动病例筛查3 198例,有疟史病例休止期根治352例,重点人群预防服药6339人,防治人员培训591人。结论保山市2014年疟疾发病较2013年有所上升,但均为输入性病例,2015年要继续落实好各项防治措施,加强流动人员管理,进一步降低全市疟疾发病。 Objective To analyze the incidence of malaria in Baoshan in 2014 and the related prevention and treatment measures, so as to provide reference for the prevention and control work in the next step. Methods The epidemic situation of malaria in Baoshan in 2014 was analyzed. Results A total of 213 cases of malaria were found in Baoshan in 2014 with an incidence of 0.083 / 100 000 and 0 deaths, an increase of 13.30% over 2013. There were 188 cases of Vivax, accounting for 88.26% of the total cases; 24 cases of Plasmodium falciparum (11.27%), 1 case of Plasmodium malaria (0.47%), all of which were imported cases. The highest incidence of Tengchong County, the lowest Changning County. The highest incidence of the month is in May, the incidence of men than women. Most occupational diseases are peasants, the age distribution of 30 years old group up to. In 2014, a total of 34 936 cases of hemorrhagic fever patients were detected in the city. Among them, 211 cases were treated by current disease patients and 184 cases were dealt with by epidemic points. A total of 3 198 cases of active cases were screened, 352 cases of patients with suspend malaria were cured, 6339 people, prevention and control personnel training 591 people. Conclusion The incidence of malaria in Baoshan City increased from 2013 to 2013 but both were imported cases. In 2015, the prevention and control measures should be continued and the management of floating people should be strengthened to further reduce the incidence of malaria in the city.
最近,中船总公司七院第七二六厂研制成一种YT500 型屏幕显示垂直渔群探测仪,配用了引进美国海龙公司的显示单元。该仪器主要由显示器、换能器和稳压电源构成。YT500型分YT50
我科自1971年底至1975年6月,单用我院自制的侧柏注射液治疗肺结核1个月以上者55例,治疗期间,每月作一次 X 线拍片及血沉、痰集结核菌检查。现将临床试用结果报告如下:一、治
快乐时要让他知道,疼痛时要让他知道。该迎合的,你要尽情舞蹈;该拒绝的,你要清楚明白地说:亲爱的,今晚真的不行…… Let him know when he is happy, let him know when he