近30年来,世界摩托车工业飞速发展,技术日益先进。目前,工业发达国家摩托车的高功率化已告一段落,今后一段时间内,摩托车将向个人和社会都可接受的方向发展,呈现以下“五性”: 一、多样性。未来的摩托车会更有特色,有流线式的,有富于动感的,有复古的,有怪异的。 二、舒适性。摩托车的舒适性历来是人们共同追求的目标。未来的摩托车品种、式样、规格及整车色彩更加繁华多样。为了提高整车自动化程度,将广泛应用电启动、真空膜式放油开关、自动防盗警告、电控自动悬挂系统、自控
In the past 30 years, the world’s motorcycle industry has developed rapidly and its technology has become increasingly advanced. At present, the high-powered motorcycles in industrialized countries have come to an end. For a period of time in the future, motorcycles will develop in an acceptable direction for both individuals and society, presenting the following “five characteristics”: 1. Diversity. The future motorcycle will be more distinctive, streamlined, dynamic, retro, and weird. Second, comfort. The comfort of motorcycles has always been the common goal of people. The future motorcycle varieties, styles, specifications and vehicle colors are more prosperous and diverse. In order to improve the degree of automation of the vehicle, electric starters, vacuum membrane oil drain switches, automatic burglar alarms, electronically controlled automatic suspension systems, and automatic control will be widely used.