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十六届三中全会提出,要“加强各级领导班子和基层党组织建设,为改革和发展提供强有力的组织保证。”从实践看,思想政治建设是领导班子建设的灵魂。加强思想政治建设,是坚持党的指导思想的客观要求,是适应新形势发展的现实课题,是全面建设小康社会的必然要求。我们只有按照发展的要求加强思想政治建设,用创新的精神推进思想政治建设,才能使我们党始终顺应社会发展的要求,站在时代潮流的前头,引领历史前进的方向。按发展要求加强思想政治建设坚持用科学理论武装头脑,是加强思想政治建设的首要任务。理论根基的深厚与否,决定着领导干部理性思维的层次和领导水平的高低。理论功底深了,就会历史地、辩证地分析问题,遇事就能沉着果断,就会防止形而上学。如果放松理论学习,势必会落伍,势必难以胜任肩负的重任。 The Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee proposed to “strengthen the building of leading bodies and grassroots party organizations at all levels and provide a strong organizational guarantee for the reform and development.” In practice, ideological and political building is the soul of the leading body building. To strengthen ideological and political building is an objective requirement of upholding the party’s guiding ideology, a realistic issue for the development of the new situation and an inevitable requirement for building an overall well-to-do society. Only by strengthening ideological and political development in accordance with the requirements of development and by advancing ideological and political building with innovative spirit can we make our party always comply with the requirements of social development, stand in the forefront of the trend of the times and lead the way of historical progress. Strengthening Ideological and Political Construction as Demanded by Development, Insisting on Arming Minds with Scientific Theory Is the Most Important Task for Strengthening Ideological and Political Construction. Whether the theoretical foundation is deep or not determines the level of leadership and the level of leadership among the leading cadres. If you have a deep theoretical foundation, you will analyze the issue historically and dialectically, and if you fail, you will be calm and decisive, preventing metaphysics. If you relax the theoretical study, you will inevitably fall behind and you will inevitably be hard-pressed to shoulder the heavy task.
To implement structural hybrid simulation independent of the control system of any testing equipment in civil engineering, an external command control approach
史前社会,由于人们改造自然的能力低下,过着最原始的渔猎生活,马最初仅仅作为人类猎杀为人类提供肉食的一种动物而存在,是人类肉食的重要来源之一。随着社会发展,人类认识自然、改造自然的能力的增强,主观能动性得到充分发挥,马不再单单是为人类提供肉食的动物,人类对马驯化,使其成为成为驾车、骑乘的动力。  一、马在秦汉时期是被人们崇拜信仰的对象  马,在秦汉时期,有着同龙一样的地位。《易经》载“行天莫如龙,行
4月1日,中国民间协会、广东省文联、省民协等有关单位,为大埔县百侯镇侯南村、湖寮镇古城村举行挂牌仪式。同时,省文联、省民协还为大埔县“广东十大美食之乡”授牌。  据了解,侯南村历史文化底蕴深厚,人文资源丰富,自古以来文风鼎盛,特别是清朝以来,科举兴盛,全村共有进士17人(其中翰林3人)、举人110人,其中“一腹三翰院”闻名遐迩。全村有以“通议大夫第”、“肇庆堂”为代表的保存完好的特色古民居100多
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省人民委员会同意省工业厅关于陕西省县市工业会议报告。希即遵照执行。 Provincial People’s Committee agreed with the Provincial Department of Industry on the Sha