Research of Stamp Forming Simulation Based on Finite Element Method

来源 :International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aeo55121891
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We point out that the finite element method offers a great functional improvement for analyzing the stamp forming process of an automobile panel. Using the finite element theory and the simulation method of sheet stamping forming, the element model of sheet forming is built based on software HyperMesh,and the simulation of the product′s sheet forming process is analyzed based on software Dynaform. A series of simulation results are obtained. It is clear that the simulation results from the theoretical basis for the product′s die design and are useful for selecting process parameters. We point out that the finite element method offers a great functional improvement for analyzing the stamp forming process of an automobile panel. Using the finite element theory and the simulation method of sheet stamping forming, the element model of sheet forming is based on software HyperMesh , and the simulation of the product’s sheet forming process is based on software Dynaform. A series of simulation results are obtained. It is clear that the simulation results from the theoretical basis for the product’s die design and are useful for selecting process parameters.
陶行知先生创办的晓庄学校,位于南京和平门外劳山脚下。这所学校是为贯彻“改造全国乡村教育”的主张而创办的,当时具有广泛的影响。1929年春,田汉率领的南国 Xiao Zhuang
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