T-ara 闪耀皇冠团光芒四射中

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从2009年正式出道算起,如今已有三个年头,T-ara经历过几次人员变动,曾在低潮中煎熬过、自我怀疑过,咬牙坚持风雨过后终于迎来了专属于她们的全盛时光。最百变的皇冠团,中毒性歌曲与舞蹈带来的国民效应,再一次回归韩国国内舞台,带来的是让人欲罢不能的旋律……“变动”的团体在今年四月,T-ara所属公司就公开表示队伍会出现人员变动,在众多猜测和不安中,公司的金代表宣布:“艺人中有一部分人气上涨后,认为‘即使不努力,大众的对我的关心也不会改变’,从而变得自满懒惰,我经历过很多次这样的先例。T-ara今后要更加努力,在 From the official debut in 2009, now has three years, T-ara has experienced several changes in personnel, had suffered in the doldrums, self-doubt over the last ten years after the storm finally ushered in their heyday. The most varied crown group, poisoning songs and dance national effects, once again return to the Korean domestic arena, bringing the temptation to let people go ... ... ”“ Change ”in the group in April this year, T- Ara’s company publicly stated that there will be team changes in personnel, in many speculation and unease, the company’s gold representative announced: "Some of the artists in the popular rise, that ’even if you do not work hard, the public’s concern for me will not Change ’, and thus become complacent and lazy, I have experienced many such precedents.T-ara in the future to work harder, in
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