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今年推行承包的一个重点是要引入竞争机制,承包真正引入竞争会有很大动力。对现在竞争招标不能估计太高。真正搞竞争的还不多,有些名义上搞竞争,实际上没有做到。现在承包的潜力大得很,没有承包的企业要实行承包,短期承包要改为长期承包,同时要引入竞争机制,这是最大的潜力。去年承包是起步,今年要明显见效益,明年会大见成效。一方面要强调厂长的权威,另一方面要使工人发挥主人翁作用,使他们感到是为自己而劳动。今年要总结、探索这方面的问题,如何从厂长承包变为全体职工的承包,如何从厂长承担风险变为全体职工来承担风险。这样厂长不会孤立,而会更好发挥厂长的权威作用。只有全体职工承担责任,把厂长的责、权、利变为全体职工的意志,这样承包才能落实。这是我们今年要在实践中研究解决的一个问题。总之,有二个问题需要进 One of the key points in the implementation of contracting this year is the introduction of a competition mechanism. There is a great incentive for contractors to truly introduce competition. The current competitive bidding cannot be estimated too high. There are not many people who actually engage in competition, and some of them have actually engaged in competition and have actually failed to do so. The potential for contracting is now very great. Contracted enterprises must implement contracting, short-term contracting should be changed to long-term contracting, and competition should be introduced. This is the greatest potential. Last year’s contracting was an initial step. This year, we must obviously see benefits. We will see great results next year. On the one hand, it is necessary to emphasize the authority of the factory manager. On the other hand, it is necessary for the workers to play their role as owners and make them feel that they are working for themselves. This year, we must summarize and explore the problems in this area, how to contract from the factory manager to the contract of all employees, and how to take the risk from the factory director to the entire staff to take risks. In this way, the director will not be isolated, but he will better play the authoritative role of the director. Only the entire staff takes responsibility and changes the responsibilities, rights, and profits of the factory director into the will of all employees, so that the contract can be implemented. This is a problem that we must study and solve in practice this year. In short, there are two issues that need to be addressed
地处通州与朝阳交界的地段上,有个远近闻名的“哑铃村”。黎各庄村村西京运铸造厂占地200亩,它的产品远 At the junction of Tongzhou and Chaoyang, there is a famous “
哈尔滨警方近日破获一起制售假药案,查获三十五万盒假心脑血管疾病常用药,犯罪嫌疑人刑满释放两个月后就因重操旧业被抓。  今年初,哈尔滨市公安局接到黑龙江省公安厅转交线索:哈尔滨市呼兰、松北地区有一个生产销售假药的窝点。随后,哈尔滨市公安局刑侦支队等部门成立专案组,经过艰苦的工作,掌握了大量证据。5月20日,警方收网,将宋某等九人抓获。  办案人员共在宋某的两处生产窝点缴获三套药品生产设备和生产原料,
各市人民政府、行署、各县(市)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业: 《国务院关于深化化肥流通体制改革的通知》(国发[1998]39号)已翻印发给你们, Municipal Peop