Dynamic characteristics of conveyor belts

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dhtmlbox
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The dynamic characteristics of a belt conveyor are determined to a large extent by the properties of the belt. This paper describes experiments designed to establish the dynamic properties of belting material. The dynamic elastic modulus, viscous damping and rheological constants of the belt were measured. Several properties were studied as a function of the tensile loading on the belt. These included longitudinal vibration, the natural vibration frequency in the transverse direction and the response to an impulse excitation. Vibration response was observed under several different excitation frequencies. Most of these properties have not been tested previously under conditions appropriate for the ISO/DP9856 standard. Two types of belt were tested, a steel rein- forced belt and a fabric reinforced belt. The test equipment was built to provide data appropriate for designing belt conveyors. It was observed that the stress wave propagation speed increased with tensile load and that tensile load was the main factor influenc- ing longitudinal vibrations. The dynamic characteristics of a belt conveyor are determined to a large extent by the properties of the belt. This paper looks experiments designed to establish the dynamic properties of the belt. The dynamic elastic modulus, viscous damping and rheological constants of the belt were measured. Several properties were studied as a function of the tensile loading on the belt. These include longitudinal vibration, the natural vibration frequency in the transverse direction and the response to an impulse excitation. Most of these properties have not been tested previously under conditions appropriate for the ISO / DP9856 standard. Two types of belt were tested, a steel rein- forced belt and a fabric reinforced belt. The test equipment was built to provide data suitable for designing belt conveyors. It was observed that the stress wave propagation speed increased with tensile load and that tensile load was the main factor influenc- ing longitudinal vibrations.
一、探索了由氧化石墨直接还原制备石墨烯的新型绿色方法。即用强极性高沸点溶剂,在不添加任何还原剂的情况下,于100℃以上反应生成石墨烯的制备方法。   二、通过HHT与2-
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