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在“一带一路”国家战略背景下,东北亚国际区域合作迎来新的历史契机,笔者认为,规划建设吉林省东部新通道,一是加强吉林省东部地区化国际互联互通,构建我国主导东北亚国际区域开放合作的战略新支撑;二是畅通省际交通骨干网,强化吉林省东部区域与相邻省份的联系;三是围绕口岸交通基础设施建设,积极发展东北东部区域型综合交通枢纽和现代交通物流创新经济区,打造产业聚集和转型升级的创新发展平台。建设吉林省东部新通道的战略价值在于,既是完善吉林省海陆空综合立体国际运输通道的迫切要求,也是驱动东北地区经济全方位开放、转型升级和创新发展的新引擎,是我国构建东北亚国际区域合作新秩序的加速器. Under the national strategy of “One Belt One Road”, Northeast Asia International Regional Cooperation ushers in a new historic opportunity. According to the author, we plan to build a new channel in the eastern part of Jilin Province. First, we will strengthen interconnection and interoperability between the regions in the eastern part of Jilin Province and build our country’s leading Northeast Asia international regional cooperation in opening up a new strategic support; the second is to open up the backbone of inter-provincial transport and strengthen the eastern part of Jilin Province and neighboring provinces contact; third is around the port traffic infrastructure, and actively develop the eastern region of Northeast integrated transport hub And modern transportation logistics innovation economic zone, to create an industry gathering and transformation and upgrading of the innovative development platform. The strategic value of building a new thoroughfare in the eastern part of Jilin Province lies in not only the urgent requirement of improving the integrated three-dimensional international transport corridors of land, sea and air in Jilin Province, but also the new engine driving the economy in Northeast China in all-round opening up, transformation and upgrading and innovation and development. Accelerator for the new order of regional cooperation.
术中照射法(intraoperative radiotherapy,IORT)是1964年由阿部、御厨等首创的方法。现在施行这种方法的单位在日本有50个,美国30个,欧洲20个,日本领先。琦玉县癌中心1979年
患者男30岁住院号296986 9年前偶然发现左眼球无痛性突出,在外院就诊,给以抗炎治疗无效,以后手术完整摘出一带有包膜之肿物,病理报告为“泪腺肿瘤”。术后1年复发。7年前再
蕈样肉芽肿(granuloma fungoides)又称蕈样霉菌病(mycosis fungoides),是原发于皮肤的一种特殊类型的淋巴瘤。有人亦将其与Se’zary综合征合称为皮肤T细胞淋巴瘤。患者男,24
<正> 1966年,《巴黎评论》请求对约翰·厄普代克进行采访,被厄普代克拒绝,直到第二年,厄普代克才接受了这一要求。接着于1968年《巴黎评论》记者查尔斯·托马斯·塞缪尔对厄普代克进行了采访,其内容如下:
恶性纤维组织细胞瘤自1964年O’Brien和Stout 报告以来,,文献陆续有报告。现将收治的一例,报告如下。患者男,58岁,住院号876554。因右胸隐痛4年,于1987年10月12日入院。疼痛
鼻部良性肿瘤较多见,我科1982~1990住院病人3378例,其中经病理证实并接受治疗的鼻及鼻窦良性肿瘤90例,占同期住院人数的2.7%。资料分析一、发病概况 1.肿瘤类型:本组材料囊肿