佛教作为世界三大宗教之一,自两汉之际,东渐来华,历两千年漫长岁月,经试探、依附、冲突、改变、适应、融合各个阶段,这本属完全不同质素的语言文化系统,已深深植根于中土,对中国文化产生了十分深刻和广泛的影响。 汉语(特别是汉语词汇),作为汉民族文化的载体,自然首当其冲地深受鸦片战争以前中国历史上这最大的一次外来文化浪潮的影响,从而得以进一步发展,变得更加丰富。
As one of the three major religions in the world, Buddhism has come to China from the East Han Dynasty. After a long period of two thousand years, Buddhism has undergone various stages of temptation, attachment, conflict, change, adaptation and integration. This is a completely different quality of language and culture System, has been deeply rooted in Turkey and has had a profound and extensive impact on Chinese culture. As the carrier of the Han nationality culture, Chinese (especially the Chinese vocabulary) naturally bear the brunt of the impact of the largest wave of foreign cultures in Chinese history before the Opium War, which can be further developed and enriched.