Give Me a Big Box of Chocolates

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John liked chocolates very m uch,but his m other never gave himany,because she thoughtthey were bad for his teeth. ButJohn had avery nice grandfather熏the old m an loved his grandson very m uch.Som e鄄tim es the old m an brought John chocolates when he ca John liked chocolates very m uch,but his m other never gave himany,because she thoughtthey were bad for his teeth. ButJohn had avery nice grandfather熏 smoked the old m an loved his grandson very m uch.Som e鄄tim es the old m an Brought John chocolates when he ca
M r Y oung w orked in a factory.H e was an able worker.H e could getm ore m oney than his workm ates.H is wife w as able,too.She did all thehousework and took g
Bob is a bus driver. One fine day, Bob went to the garage(车库), started his bus and drove off along the route(路线). There were no problems for the first few s
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<正> 建安辞赋是建安文学的重要组成部分,在我国辞赋文学发展史上占有重要地位。过去学术界研究赋则重在汉代大赋;研究建安文学则重于诗歌;而对建安辞赋的研究又多局限于王粲