
来源 :亚太传统医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:TSNT1234
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目的:通过对野生连翘经济林人工抚育技术的研究,为连翘林经营提供科学依据,实现野生连翘资源的可持续利用。方法:对野生连翘林采取疏伐清坡、修剪整形、整穴除草、压条补植、平茬更新、适时采收等人工抚育措施,观测其对连翘的生长发育、群落变化、发枝数、结果率以及果实产量和质量的影响。结果:通过4年的连续观察,连翘的营林密度在220~330(株·丛)/666.7m2之间,其群落和产量稳定;通过整穴除草和修剪整形,平均单株发枝数比对照分别增加3.5个和4.6个,结果率分别提高17.9%和23.8%;在冬季休眠期进行平茬,竖年萌发的枝条当年可形成结果枝,第2年即能开花结果;在春季用1年生枝条割伤后用土压条补植,成活率在90%以上,当年苗高可达50cm以上;青翘的最佳采收期应在果实近熟的8月上、中旬,比7月抢青采收的果实百粒重和连翘苷含量可提高1倍以上;通过连翘野生抚育技术示范,抚育后的鲜果采收量是抚育前的1倍以上。结论:野生连翘抚育是利用野生资源在原生地进行,既能保证药材的道地性和质量,也能保护野生资源和生态环境,还能提高连翘林地的生产效率和资源利用率,投入低回报高。 OBJECTIVE: To provide a scientific basis for the management of Forsythia suspensa through the research on the artificial tending technology of the wild Forsythia suspense, and to realize the sustainable utilization of wild Forsythia suspensa resources. Methods: The artificial growth of Forsythia of the forsythia suspensa, cut and shape, the whole weeding, backfill, stubble renewal, timely harvesting and other artificial measures to observe the growth and development of forsythia, community changes, Number, result rate, and fruit yield and quality. Results: After four years of continuous observation, the plantation density of Forsythia suspensa was between 220 and 330 (strain · plexus / 666.7 m2), and its community and yield were stable. Through the whole weeding and pruning, the average number of branches per plant 3.5 and 4.6 more than the control respectively, the result rates increased by 17.9% and 23.8% respectively. In the winter dormancy period, the branches could be formed when the stubble and vertical sprout germinated, 1-year-old branch cuttings with soil pressure strip replantation, the survival rate of 90% or more, when the seedling height up to 50cm above; Alice the best harvest period should be in the fruit ripening in August, mid-than grab in July The fruit weight per 100 grains and the content of forsythin in the green harvest can be increased by more than one time. By the demonstration of the wild tending technology of Forsythia suspensa, the fresh fruit harvesting after the tending is more than double that before tending. Conclusion: The wild forsythia tectorum is natively used wild resources, which can not only ensure the authenticity and quality of medicinal materials, but also protect the wild resources and ecological environment, improve the production efficiency and resource utilization of forsythia suspensa. High return.