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80年代以来,我们先后选育出适合上海地区各种茬口栽培的优质、丰产、抗病的洋杂一号、洋杂二号番茄新品种.1987年开始试种,1988年示范推广,近3年来,洋杂一、二号种植面积已占上海春番茄的70%以上,并已推广到江,浙、皖、鄂、陕等省市,普遍获的得评,1993年获上海市科技进步三等奖.洋杂一号一、特征特性 一代杂交种,有限生长,第一花序位于第7—8叶,以后每隔1—2叶出一花序,4—5花序自然封顶.果实偏高圆形,第一花序平均单果重200g以上,最大果可达500g.洋杂一号长势旺盛,早熟,丰产性好,上海地区春季地膜栽培,前期产量占总产量的60%左右,一般每亩产量4000kg.在1990年南北方蔬菜种子技术交流会安排的粉红番茄品比中,洋杂一号前期产量和总产量在早熟品种中名列第一.1988年,上海市蔬菜技术推广站,对市郊春番茄品种进行比较试验,洋杂一号管棚栽培的畸型果率为0.4%,地膜覆盖栽培的畸型果率为2.22%,在12个供试品种中畸型果发生率均最低.该品种还抗烟草花叶病毒病(TMV),适应性也广,露地、地膜、小环棚、大棚及春秋均可栽培.二、栽培要点 上海地区春季地膜栽培,12月底播种,3月下旬至4月上旬定植,苗龄90—95天、大棚栽培,11月中、下旬播种,1月下旬至2月上旬定植,苗龄75—90天.定植密度亩栽3000株左右,行株距 Since the 1980s, we have succeeded in breeding a variety of high quality, high yield and disease-resistant hybrids of Yangza 1 and Yangza 2 that are suitable for all kinds of crop cultivation in Shanghai area. In recent years, the area of ​​acreage I and II has accounted for more than 70% of Shanghai spring tomato, and has been widely applied in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Hubei, Shaanxi and other provinces and cities. In 1993, it was scientifically advanced in Shanghai Third Prize. Ocean Hybrid One, the characteristics of a generation of hybrids, limited growth, the first inflorescence is located in the first 7-8 leaves, after every 1-2 leaves an inflorescence, 4-5 inflorescence natural cap. Round, the first inflorescence average fruit weight 200g or more, the largest fruit up to 500g.One hybrid foreign grow strong, precocious, high yield, Shanghai spring plastic film cultivation, pre-production accounted for about 60% of the total output, the general mu Yield 4000kg .In the north-south vegetable seed technology exchange arrangements for pink tomato ratio in 1990, the hybrid production and output in the forefront of hybrid varieties in the first .1988 years, Shanghai vegetable technology promotion station, the Suburban spring tomato varieties to compare the test, foreign hybrid tube shed cultivation of abnormal fruit rate 0.4%, the rate of malformation fruit was 2.22% in plastic film mulching cultivation, and the incidence of malformation fruit was the lowest in 12 cultivars.This variety also resistant to tobacco mosaic virus disease (TMV) Cultivation of small sheds, greenhouses and spring and autumn can be cultivated. Second, the cultivation points Shanghai spring mulching cultivation, sown at the end of December, from late March to early April planting, aged 90-95 days, greenhouse cultivation, mid-November, late sowing , From late January to early February planting, seedling age 75-90 days planting density of about 3,000 acres planted line row spacing