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关于新业务排行榜,我们一贯秉承独立、客观、公正的原则来报告各大代理商在亚太区市场中的业务得失情况,并在年底时发送给各个代理商集团领导层进行分享,得到业界的普遍认同。在中国,我们对于业务量的报告以实际媒介流水额为准,而非其他第三方监测机构所出具的估算值。(备注:中国广告代理新业务得分榜2012年5月起在计算中将美元对人民币的汇率调整至6.5,较之前的6.85有较大幅度下降,因此部分 About the New Business Ranking, we consistently report on the merits and demerits of major agencies in the Asia-Pacific market based on the principles of independence, objectivity and fairness. We will send them to the leaders of various agency groups at the end of the year for sharing. Generally accepted. In China, our report on business volume is based on the actual media water flow, not the estimates issued by other third-party monitoring agencies. (Note: China Advertising Agency new business score list since May 2012 in the calculation of the dollar against the RMB exchange rate adjusted to 6.5, compared with the previous 6.85 have a more substantial decline, so part of
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