Theoretical Investigation on the Second-order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Chiral Amino Acid Zinc

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Static second-order nonlinear optical effects of amino acid zinc(II) porphyrins 1, 2, 3 and 4 were calculated by the TDHF/PM3 method based on the molecular structures optimized at the semiempirical PM3 quantum chemistry level, showing due to the cancellation of symmetric center, these amino acid zinc(II) porphyrins exhibit second order nonlinear optical response. The analysis of β components indicated that these amino acid zinc(II) porphyrins are of multipola- rizabilities, and they may be ascribed as the “mixture” of octupolar and dipoar molecules with ||βJ=3||/||βJ=1|| ≈ 5. It is found that there are no significant differences between the static β values of non-chiral and chiral amino acid zinc(II) porphyrins. However, the βxyz component, which is quite important to quadratic macroscopic χ (2) susceptibility of chiral material, is increased significantly with the increase of side chain group of amino acids. Static second-order nonlinear optical effects of amino acid zinc (II) porphyrins 1, 2, 3 and 4 were calculated by the TDHF / PM3 method based on the molecular structures optimized at the semiempirical PM3 quantum chemistry level, showing due to the cancellation of The analysis of β components indicates those amino acid zinc (II) porphyrins are of multipolarity, and they may ascribed as the “mixture” of βJ = 1 || ≈ 5. It is found that there are no significant differences between the static β values ​​of non-chiral and chiral amino acid zinc (II) porphyrins . However, the βxyz component, which is quite important to quadratic macroscopic χ (2) susceptibility of chiral material, is increased significantly with the increase of side chain group of amino acids.
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