
来源 :中国监察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guoyinglonggyl
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2003年10月9日,河北省高级人民法院终审裁定,维持对河北省国税局原局长李真贪污、受贿案的一审判决,判处其死刑,剥夺政治权利终身。2003年11月13日,经最高人民法院核准,李真被执行死刑。消息传开,社会反响强烈。为客观地报道该案,本刊于2002年7月即派出记者,对全案进行采访,写成纪实报道———《灵魂堕落,他踏上毁灭之路———河北省国税局原局长李真贪污受贿案纪实》。记者以详尽的一手资料为基础,客观地记述了李真走向毁灭的过程,并以记者的眼光进行了剖析,全文读来既让人触目惊心,又发人深省,不失为一篇很好的警示教育教材。与此同时,为深刻吸取该案的教训,我刊还约请了解李真案有关情况的驻国家税务总局纪检组、监察局,河北省纪委、监察厅,河北省委办公厅,河北省委组织部,河北省国税局等单位,结合实际,对李真案的发生进行了深刻的剖析。现将上述文章一并刊发,以飨读者。 On October 9, 2003, the Higher People’s Court of Hebei Province ruled in a ruling that it upholds the first instance verdict of Li Zhen, former director of the Hebei Provincial State Taxation Bureau, on corruption and bribery, and sentenced him to death and deprived of his political rights for life. November 13, 2003, approved by the Supreme People’s Court, Li Zhen was executed. The news spread, social repercussions. In order to objectively report the case, this magazine dispatched a reporter in July 2002 to interview the entire case and write down a documentary report --- “The Soul Degenerates and He Embarks on the Road to Destruction - Former Director of Hebei Provincial Internal Revenue Service Lee Really corrupt bribery case record. ” Based on detailed first-hand information, the reporter objectively described the process in which Li Zhen went to destruction and made an analysis based on the reporter’s point of view. The full-text reading not only made people startled and thought-provoking, but also a good warning textbook for education. At the same time, in order to profoundly draw lessons from the case, I also asked about Discipline Inspection Departments and Supervision Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation in charge of Li Zhen case, Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Supervision Office, General Office of Hebei Provincial Party Committee and Hebei Provincial Party Committee Department, Hebei Province IRS and other units, combined with the actual situation of Li Zhen case conducted a profound analysis. The above article is now published together to readers.
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目的 明确鼻咽癌组织端粒酶各组分 (hTR、TP1、hTERT)基因表达及其与端粒酶活性关系。方法 采用RT PCR和PCR ELISA方法分别检测同一标本 ,包括鼻咽癌 (NPC)组织、慢性鼻咽