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全国中语会历史名城语文教学研究中心第10届年会于1998年4月4日至6日在古城西安隆重举行。全国各地800多名教师代表参加了本次盛会。陕西省教科所、陕西师大杂志社、西安市教研室等单位领导,全国中语会秘书长陈金明先生,历史名城语文教学研究中心部分领导出席了开幕式。全国中语会理事长刘国正先生、全国中语会学术委员会主任章熊先生发来了题辞,全国中语会、山东中语会、浙江中语会、河南中语会等学术团体及徐州师大《语文教学周报》等报刊社发来了贺信,重庆市中语会发来了贺联。历史名城语文教学研究中心理事长徐绍仲先生在开幕式上讲话,向全体与会人员表示热烈的欢迎,并宣布了本届年会的主要内容。全国中语会秘书长、《中学语文教学》副主编陈金明先生围绕当前语文教学界出现的许多 The 10th annual meeting of the National Chinese Language Association History and History Center Chinese Language Teaching Research Center was held from April 4th to 6th, 1998 in the ancient city of Xi’an. More than 800 teacher representatives from all over the country participated in this event. Leaders of the Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Education, Shaanxi Normal University Magazine, Xi’an Teaching and Research Office and other units, Mr. Chen Jinming, Secretary-General of the National Chinese Language Association, and leaders of the Chinese Language Teaching and Research Center of the Historical City attended the opening ceremony. Mr. Liu Guozheng, Chairman of the National Chinese Language Association, and Mr. Zhang Xiong, Director of the Academic Committee of the National Chinese Language Association, sent inscriptions. The National Chinese Language Association, Shandong Chinese Language Association, Zhejiang Chinese Language Association, Henan Chinese Language Association and other academic groups and Xuzhou A letter of congratulations was issued by newspapers and magazines such as the “Chinese Language Weekly Newspaper” of the National Taiwan Normal University, and the Chinese Language Association of Chongqing sent a congratulatory letter. In the opening ceremony, Mr. Xu Shaozhong, the psychological director of the Chinese language teaching research in historic cities, delivered a warm welcome to all participants and announced the main contents of the current annual meeting. Mr. Chen Jinming, Secretary-General of the National Chinese Language Association and deputy editor of “Chinese Teaching in Middle Schools” has appeared around the current language teaching community.
本文通过对成象光学和射影几何学的研究,讨论了视频摄象镜头的物象透视关系,提出了检验视频图像中纸币厚度的一种新方法,并检验了一例银行监控录相中纸币的厚度。 In this p
荧光物质溶液中杂质的含量多少,对其产生的荧光强弱有较大影响。据此,本文阐述了如何显现被墨汁、碳素墨水、绘图墨水掩盖的同种书写材料所写字迹。 Fluorescent substances
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