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2000年3月,武汉东湖医院病房区5区3楼9号的房间里,住着一位年过花甲的老人,他就是武汉市洪山区严西湖渔场离休老干部江诗信,人称“希望老人”。2000年1月6日,当他脚穿草鞋、冒着严寒、踏着冰雪,又一次蹒跚着走进鄂西北山区,深情地探访因贫困而辍学的孩子们的时候,他再次病倒在郧西县。 8年来,江诗信老人情洒千山、汗浸万水,长期奔波在鄂西北和大别山区,足迹遍布鄂、豫、陕三省十五个县市几千个村庄和无数农民家庭,把爱心和希望种在最贫瘠的大山深处。也许因为自己吃的苦太多,他特别同情那些山区的苦孩子 1937年,江诗信出生于一个革命家庭,6岁丧父(其父1935年入党,后被国民党杀害),兄妹五人靠母亲一个人养活,生活历尽艰辛,受尽了欺凌。直至解放后,党组织才在武汉找到他们。1949年,年仅12岁的江诗信参了军,1956年,他从部队转业到汉阳造纸厂任小学校长。不久,一场政治运动降临,他被错划成右派,直到1979年才得以恢复工作。1985年10月,多灾多难的他因患多种疾病,按政策提前办理了离职休养的手续。 In March 2000, Wuhan East Lake Hospital Ward District 5, 3rd Floor, Room 9, lived with an old man who spent more than a year, he is the Hongshan District of Wuhan Yanxi Lake Fisheries retired veteran Jiang Shixin, known as “hope the elderly” . On January 6, 2000, when he wore straw sandals, braved the cold, marched in ice and snow, and staggered back and forth into the mountainous areas of northwestern Hubei, visiting the children who dropped out of school due to poverty, he fell ill again in Yun West County. Over the past eight years, Jiang Shixin elderly spilled thousands of mountains, sweat, flood, long-running rush in the northwestern Hubei and Dabie Mountains, footprints all over Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi provinces and counties thousands of villages and countless peasant families, love and hope Planted in the depths of the most impoverished mountains. He was particularly sympathetic to the bitter children in those mountainous areas, perhaps because of his bitterness. In 1937, Jiang Shih-hsun was born in a revolutionary family and died at the age of six (his father joined the party in 1935 and was later killed by the Kuomintang). Five brothers and sisters relied on his mother People feed, life has gone through hardships, suffered bullying. Until the liberation, the party found them in Wuhan. In 1949, Jiang Shih-hyun, who was only 12 years old, joined the army. In 1956, he was transferred from the army to the headmaster of a primary school in Hanyang Paper Mill. Soon after a political campaign arrived, he was mistakenly classified as a rightist and was not able to resume his work until 1979. In 1985 October, he was suffering from a variety of diseases due to disaster, according to the policy for the departure and recuperation procedures.
任何一个行业只有产品的质量靠得住,才能真正抓住用户,单靠从产品的价格上竞争是一个比较幼稚的行业行为。 Any one industry, only the quality of products reliable, in
八月末的大连,夜晚的大黑山,虽然白天热浪滚滚,但是此时却凉意袭人 忙碌了一天的陈小艺此时拖着疲惫的身子推开了自已的家门,却被眼前的一幕惊的目瞪口呆。丈夫正和一个青年
如同人的一生难免会生病一样,农作物在生长过程中,也会受到病菌、害虫与杂草的危害,如果不及时进行预防和治疗,就会导致品质变坏、产量降低,甚至会造成 Like people’s life