紧急行动 全面管理 封闭运行初有成效

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4月份以来,我省各级行认真贯彻落实国务院关于加强粮棉油收购贷款管理,实现收购资金封闭运行的一系列指示精神,统一认识,迅速行动,强化管理,努力实现收购资金封闭运行的目标,取得一定成效。(一)提高认识、统一思想4月份以来,我省各级分支行多次召开党组会、行务会、分支行行长紧急会议,迅速、及时传达贯彻总行对收购资金封闭运行工作的指导思想和具体要求,学习领会总行一系列文件精神,认真分析粮食企业存在的突出问题和我行工作中的薄弱环节,提出具体贯彻意见和实施办法,动员全省系统干部职工统一思想,提高认识,转变观念,切实把思想、精力、人力集中到实现收购资金封闭运行上来。一是提高了对实现收购资金封闭运行重要性、紧迫性的认识,明确实现封闭运行是增强国家宏观调控能力,减轻财政负担,促进粮食企业改革增效,保证收购资金及时足额供应,改善我行财务状况的需要,是 Since April, all levels of our province have conscientiously implemented a series of directives of the State Council on strengthening loan loan management of grain and cotton oil acquisition and realizing the closed operation of the acquisition of grain and oil, and unanimously recognized and acted promptly to strengthen management and strive to achieve the goal of closed-end acquisition of funds , Achieved some success. (I) Raise Awareness and Unify Our Thoughts Since April, branch offices of all levels in our province have held emergency meetings with party heads, executive committees and branch presidents on a number of occasions to promptly and promptly convey and implement the guiding ideology of the head office on the closed operation of funds for acquisitions And specific requirements, learn to understand the spirit of a series of documents at the head office, conscientiously analyze the outstanding problems existing in grain enterprises and the weak links in the work of our bank, and put forward specific implementation opinions and implementation measures to mobilize the system cadres and workers across the province to unify their thinking, raise awareness and change Concept, and earnestly concentrate their thinking, energy and manpower on the closed operation of the acquisition funds. First, it increased the understanding of the importance and urgency of closing the acquisition funds, and clearly defined that the closed operation is to enhance the ability of the country’s macroeconomic regulation and control, reduce the financial burden, promote the reform and efficiency of food enterprises, guarantee the timely and full supply of funds for acquisition, and improve me The financial needs of the bank is
1 病例报告 患者男,68岁。于1993年12月出现左侧胸痛、轻咳、咳少量白色粘痰、下午低热、夜间盗汗、食欲下降。2月后来院诊治,胸穿两次抽出草黄色渗出液约1000ml,OT(1:2000)
B 超监测了41例耐药癌性胸腹水患者,采用 CD3-AK 局部治疗观察前后胸腹水量的变化,现将结果报告如下:材料与方法B超观察41例耐药性,癌性胸腹水(经常规化疗无效患者者)中的淋
乳糜胸是食管癌开胸术后一种严重并发症,其诊断一般不难,但如处理不当,病死率较高。现结合我科1995年发生的3例乳糜胸病例,复习相关资料,略谈其防治体会。 Chylothorax is
下半年是养殖肉狗、蛇、美国青蛙、法国番鸭等产品的黄金时期,湖南特种经济动物繁育场除继续举办以上项目技术培训班外,优惠供应如下种苗,并签定产品回收合同。 1.美国青蛙