7月26日,以“自在探索,自我掌握”为主题的奥迪全能四驱车投放活动的北京金港汽车中心举行,标志着堪称世界第一辆真正意义上的公路、越野两用的全能四驱车正式向中国用户亮机。 这款全新概念之下诞生的新款车,采用高性能2.7升V6型双涡轮增压汽油机,配6档手动或5档Tiptronic手动/自动一体变速箱,全时四轮驱动系统带超低档变速。其最突出的特点体现在全新的四段式可变底盘高低的空气悬挂系统上。该系统可使驾驶者根据路况采用全自动或手动方式调整车身离地高度,提高了该车跨越障碍能力。车身离地间隙在高速时为142毫米,越野路面达到208毫米,使其最大爬坡度达60%,在公路高速行驶时,更大地提高了动力性和行驶稳定性。 这款车售价80多万元人民币。
Held on July 26 at the Beijing Golden Port Auto Center at the Audi all-around 4WD with the theme of “free exploration and self-mastery”, it marks the world’s first truly all-wheel-drive all-wheel drive Officially to the Chinese users bright machine. This new concept was born under the new car with a high-performance 2.7-liter V6 twin-turbo gasoline engine with 6-speed manual or 5-speed Tiptronic manual / automatic transmission with a full-time four-wheel drive with ultra-low gear. Its most prominent feature is reflected in the new four-stage variable chassis height air suspension system. The system allows the driver to adjust the height of the vehicle body from the ground automatically or manually according to the road conditions and improve the ability of the vehicle to cross the obstacle. Body clearance from the ground at a high speed of 142 mm, off-road access to 208 mm, so that the maximum degree of climbing up to 60%, high-speed road in the road, greatly improving the dynamic and driving stability. This car sells for more than 800,000 yuan.