
来源 :中国公路 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaojiaoechou
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近年来,我国高速公路发暴迅速,截止2002年年底,全国高速公路总里程已达2.5万公里,居世界第二位。值得注意的是:在高速公路总资产不断增加的同时,负债总额也在不断地加大,尤其是对于地处西部地区的四川省,这种情况更为严重。在西川高速公路接近1500公里的同时,巨额的利息负担成为高速公路企业的沉重压力,甚至出现高速公路公司车辆通行费收入不足以支付贷款利息的现象。造成高速公路在资金环节上的严重失血。在中央实施西部大开发政策战略中,交通等基础设施建设成为重中之重,高速公路能否快速、持续地发展成为人们关注的焦点,为此,加大西部地区高速公路投资力度,改变高速公路资金环节寅吃卯粮的局面已刻不容缓,对于西部铁路等重点建设项目,国家都给予了优惠政策,提供了贴息贷款,而面临巨大资金压力的西部高速公路建设,却没有这一优惠政策,为此,我们有必要探讨一下高速公路贷款贴息政策的可行性。 In recent years, the expressways of our country have been storming rapidly. By the end of 2002, the total length of expressways in the country has reached 25,000 kilometers, ranking the second in the world. It is noteworthy that while the total assets of the expressway are constantly increasing, the total liabilities are also constantly increasing, especially for Sichuan Province, which is located in the western region. As the Nishikawa Expressway approaches 1,500 kilometers, the huge interest burden has become a heavy pressure on expressway enterprises and even the toll income of toll road vehicles of companies in the expressway is not enough to pay interest on loans. Cause the highway in the financial aspects of the serious blood loss. In the Central Government’s policy of implementing the policy of large-scale development of the western region, infrastructure construction such as transportation has become the top priority. Whether the expressway can develop rapidly and continuously becomes the focus of attention. To increase the investment in the expressway in the western region and change the high-speed For the key construction projects such as the Western Railway, the state has given preferential policies and provided interest-subsidized loans. However, there is no such preferential policy for the construction of the western expressway facing tremendous financial pressure. For this reason, We need to explore the feasibility of the highway loan discount policy.
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