A Seventeen-Year Slecper

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Do you know there is an insect that sleeps for seventeen years?Thisinsect is called the seventeen-year locust,but its real name is cicada.The female cicada makes tiny holes in the small branches of trees.Inthese small holes she lays her eggs.After a short time,the eggs hatch intominute,wormlike creatures called nymphs.The nymphs crawl down thetrunks and bury themselves in the ground at the bases of the trees.There Do you know there is an insect that sleeps for seventeen years?Thisinsect is called the seventeen-year locust,but its real name is cicada.The female cicada makes tiny holes in the small branches of trees.Inthese small holes she lays her eggs. After a short time,the eggs hatch intominute,wormlike creatures called nymphs.The nymphs crawl down the trunks and bury themselves in the ground at the bases of the trees.There
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